Page:A memoir of the last year of the War of Independence, in the Confederate States of America.djvu/79

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garrison at that place and partially destroying the railroad bridge. He then invested the post on the railroad at New Creek, but finding it too strongly fortified to take by assault, he moved to Moorefield in Hardy County, near which place he halted to rest and recruit his men and horses, as the command was now considered safe from pursuit. Averill, however, had been pursuing from Chambersburg with a body of cavalry, and Johnson's brigade was surprised in camp, before day, on the morning of the 7th of August, and routed by Averill's force. This resulted also in the rout of McCausland's brigade, and the loss of the artillery (4 pieces) and about 300 prisoners from the whole command. The balance of the command made its way to Mount Jackson in great disorder, and much weakened. This affair had a very damaging effect upon my cavalry for the rest of the campaign.[1]


On the 9th., Imboden reported that a large force had been concentrated at Harper's Ferry, consisting of the 6th., 19th., and Crook's corps, under a new commander, and that it was moving towards Berryville, to our right. The new commander proved to be Major-General Sheridan, from Grant's army. On the 10th., we moved from Bunker Hill to the east of Winchester, to cover the roads from Charlestown and Berryville to that place; and Ramseur's division was moved to Win-

  1. Grant says, in reference to this expedition under McCansland: "They were met and defeated by General Kelly; and, with diminished numbers, escaped into the mountains of West Virginia;" and he makes no allusion whatever to Averll’s affair. There was no defeat by Kelly, but there was one by Averill. as I have stated. This shows how loose Grant is as to his facts So far as we were concerned, the defeat by Averill was worse than it could have been by Kelly.