Page:A narrative of the life of Solomon Mack.djvu/6

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that kind protection due to the helpless and indigent children, I was treated by my Master as his property and not as his fellow mortal; he taught me to work, and was very careful that I should have little or no rest. From labour he never taught me to read or spoke to me at all on the subject of religion. His whole attention was taken upon the pursuits of the good things of this world; wealth was his supreme object. I am afraid gold was his God, or rather he never conversed on any other subject, and I must say he lived without God in the world, and to all appearance God was not in his thoughts.

I lived with this man (whose name, for many reasons, I did not think proper to mention) until I was 21 years of age lacking 2 months, when a difficulty took place between me and my master, which terminated in our separation at that time. I, however,at his request returned and fulfiled the indenture; which in consequence of being frequently abused, I had found my indentures in my masters custody, and I burnt them. My mistress was afraid of my commencing a suit against them, she took me aside and told me I was such a fool we could not learn you. I was totally ignorant of Divine Revelation; or any thing appertaining to the christian religion. I was never taught even the principles of common morality,and fec t no obligation with regard to society; and was born