Page:A narrative of the life of Solomon Mack.djvu/8

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to Lime and purchased a farm — in the year 1757, I mustered two teams in the King's service for one season. I then went to Stillwater with the General's baggage One morning I went out to woke up as usual, and found there was three of my o en missing, the officer was ao angry that he drew his sword to run me through; but immediately exclaimed, get thee out three of any you can find; which I accordingly did. Then I went on with the baggage and arrived at Fort Edward, then I returned back after my oxen; when I got about halfway I espied at about thirty rods distance, four Indians coming out of the woods with their tomma-hawks, scalping-knives and guns. I was alone, but about twenty rods behind me there was a man by the name of Webster. I saw no other way to save myself only to deceive them by stratagem — I exclaimed like this — Rush on! rush on" Brave Boys. we'll have the Devils! we'll have the Devils! — I had no other weapon only a staff; but I ran towards them and the other man appearing in fight, gave them a terrible fright, and I saw them no more, but I am bound to say the grass did not grow under my feet.

I hastened to Still water and found my oxen; the same night I returned back through the woods, alone; which was about seven miles, the next morning I was ready to go on my journey again. From thence I went to Lake