Page:A narrative of travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro.djvu/351

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locality, in order to meet with all the different kinds. I sub- join a list of the species, with the localities in which they were found.


i. Mycetes seniculus, Geoff. ; on the Rio Negro and the north bank of the Amazon.

2. Mycetes caraya, Gray ; on the Upper Amazon

3. Mycetes beelzebub, Br. Mus. ; Para.

4. Lagothrix Humboldtii, Geoff. ; Upper Amazon and west of Rio Negro.

5. Ateles paniscus, Geoff. ; Guiana, north bank of Amazon and east of Rio Negro.

6. Cclnis apella, Erxk (?) ; Amazon and Rio Negro.

7. Ccbus gracilis, Spix ; Rio Negro and Upper Amazon.

8. Callithrix sciureus, Geoff. ; the whole Amazon valley.

9. Callithrix torquatus (amidus, Geoff.) ; Upper Rio Negro.

10. Callithrix personalis, Geoff. ; south bank of Upper Amazon.

11. Nyctipithecus trivirgatus, Humb. ; Upper Rio Negro.

12. Nyctipithecus felinus, Spix ; Upper Amazon.

13. Pithecia irrorata (hirsula, Spix) ; south bank of Upper Amazon.

14. Pithecia , north of Upper Amazon.

15. Brachiurus satanas, Br. Mus.; Guiana, east bank of Rio Negro.

16. Brachiurus oakary, Spix ; Upper Rio Negro.

17. Brachiurus rubicundus, Isid. ; Upper Amazon.

18. Brachiurus , south side of Upper Amazon.

19. Jacchus bicolor, Spix; north of the Amazon and Rio Negro.

20. Jacchus tamarin, Br. Mus. ; Para.

21. Jacchus n.s., Upper Rio Negro.

Of the above, the first seven have prehensile tails, a character only found among the monkeys of America. The howlers, forming the genus Mycetes, are the largest and most powerful. They have a bony vessel situated beneath the chin, and a strong muscular apparatus in the throat, which assists in producing the loud rolling noise from which they derive their name, and