Page:A pilgrimage to my motherland.djvu/23

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Bad bar—Landing mail under difficulties—Magnificent Spectacle— Dexterous Canoe-men—Offering to the Water-demon—Sharks— Mr. Turner—The Consulate, Lieut. Lodder—Disgusting Spectacle —Lagos—Alcoholic Stimulants and Fever—Emigrants—Cowries —King Docemo—Kosoko, ex-King—A Visit to the Palace—Unfortunate Adventure—The Lesson.

ON the 21st July, early in the afternoon, our ship anchored off Lagos.

Our arrival was at the most unpropitious season of the year, the bar being then and during all June, July, and August more dangerous than at any other time; we found it impossible to effect any communication except by signals. The next day some natives were persuaded to come off from the beach; the bar being still very unsafe, they carried off the mails secured in a cask, and I, leaving my packages in charge of a man who accompanied me from Manchester, ventured to go on shore in their boat, which, however, I would not have done had I been aware of the great risk I incurred.

Could one but have divested himself of the sense of