Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/106

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Deëuo, v. to use dexterity; to tend to the south

Def, n. use, one’s own

Defeidiog, a. abounding with sheep

Defeidydd, n. a shepherd

Defeita, v. to hunt after sheep

Defiad, n. a bringing

Defni, n. droppings, drops

Defniad, n. a trickling

Defnio, v. to drop, to trickle

Defnydd, n. element, matter

Defnyddgar, a. useful

Defnyddiad, n. materialation

Defnyddiadau, v. to materialize

Defnyddiodraeth, materialism

Defnyddio, v. to prepare matter to make use of

Defnyddiol, a. material; useful

Defnyddioldeb, n. materiality

Defnyddiwr, n. one who forms

Defnyn, n. a drop, a particle

Defnyniad, n. a dropping

Defnynu, v. to drop, to trickle

Defod, n. usage, custom

Defodedig, a. instituted

Defodi, v. to fix a custom

Defodiad, n. institution

Defodol, a. accustomed

Defodolder, n. customariness

Defodwr, n. an institutor

Defyn, n. matter or stuff

Deffro, a. moving awake: v. to rouse; to awake

Deffroad, n. arousing; awaking

Deffroi, v. to rouse; to wake

Defröol, a. tending to awake

Deffrous, a. wakeful

Deffrousrwydd, n. wakefulness

Deffrowr, n. an awaker

Deg, n. ten: a. ten

Degaid, n. a decade

Degban, a. having ten parts

Degeidio, v. to form decades

Degfed, n. a tenth: a. tenth

Degiad, n. a decimal

Degol, a. decadary; decimal

Degoli, v. to decimate

Degoliad, n. decimation

Degoliaeth, n. tithing

Degplyg, n. a decuple

Degryn, n. a single drop

Degryniad, n. a dropping

Degrynu, v. to fall in drops

Degsill, a. of ten syllables

Degtro, a. of ten turns

Degu, v. to decimate

Degwm, n. a tenth; a tithe

Degymiad, n. a tithing

Degymol, n. relating to tithe

Deheu, n. dexterity; south

Deheubarth, n. south region

Deheuder, n. desterity

Deheudra, n. dexterousness

Deheuedd, n. dextrality

Deheuig, a. dexterous, dexter

Deheulaw, n. a right hand

Deheuol, a dexter; southern

Dehongli, v. to interpret

Dehongliad, n. interpretation

Dehonglwr, n. expounder

Dehonglydd, n. expounder

Deifiad, n. a singeing, blasting

Deifio, v. to singe; to blast

Deifiol, a. singeing; blasting

Deifniad, n. nurturing

Deifriad, n. a setting in order

Deifriad, v. to put in regimen

Deifyr, n. a regimen; verse

Deigr, n. a drop; a tear

Deigriad, n. lachrymation

Deigrio, v. to shed tears; to trickle

Deigrol, a. lachrymal

Deigryn, n. tear, drop

Deigrynol, a. falling in drops

Deigryniad, n. a trickling

Deigrynu, v. to fall in drops

Deigyniad, n. emanation

Deigynu, v. to emanate

Deilen, n. a leaf, foil

Deiliach, n. mixed leaves

Deiliad, n. folliatfon; subject, tenant

Deiliadaeth, n. foliage

Deiliant, n. foliation, foliage

Deiliar, a. foliacious, leafy

Deilio, v. to put out leaves