Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/11

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Achlesydd, n. m. succourer

Achlud, n. m. covert, obscurity

Achlwm, v. to knot, to tie

Achlysur, n. m. cause, motive; occasion, opportunity

Achlysuro, v. to occasion

Achlysurol, a. occasional

Achlyw, n. m. a hearing

Achos, n. m. cause

Achosadwy, a. effectible

Achosedig, a. endued with a cause

Achosedigol, a. effectuative

Achosi, v. to cause, to occasion

Achosiad, n. m. a causing

Achosol, a. efficient; effectual

Achosoldeb, n. m. effectiveness

Achref, a. suppliant, craving

Achres, n. f. a row, a rank

Achretawr, n. m. a creditor

Achreth, n. m. a trembling

Achrwm, a. crooked or bent

Achrwym, n. m. a restraint

Achryf, a. strong, potent, powerful, able

Achub, v. to save, to secure

Achubadwy, a. salvable

Achubiad, n. m. a saving

Achubiaeth, n. m. a securing

Achubol, a. saving; delivering

Achubwr, n. m. a saviour

Achudd, n. m. seclusion

Achul, a. narrow; lean; squalid

Achwaith, n. m. sourness

Achwaneg, a. more, additional

Achwanegiad, n. m. augmentation, addition

Achwanegol, a. augmentative

Achwanegu, v. to increase

Achwlwm, n. m. a tie

Achwr, n. m. genealogist

Achwre, n. m. a shelter, a skreen

Achwy, a. tending to be foremost, busy-body

Achwyn, n. m. complaint: v. to complain

Achwynedig, a. being complained

Achwynedigaeth, n. m. accusation, charge

Achwynedigol, a. accusatory

Achwynol, a. plaintive

Achwyngar, a. querulous

Achwyngarwch, n. m. querulousness

Achwyniad, n. m. a complaining

Achwyniaeth, n. m. accusation

Achwynwr, n. m. a complainer

Ad, a. a going on, over, or to. It is a general prefix to words answering to RE

Adaddawiad, n. a promising again

Adaddewid, n. a second promise

Adaddo, v. to promise again

Adaerwch, n. importunity

Adafael, n. a distraint

Adafaeliad, n. a distraining

Adafaelu, v. to attach, to seize

Adail, n. a building

Adain, n. a wing; a bird

Adalw, v. to recall; to revoke

Adalwad, n. a recalling

Adan, n. a fin; a spoke

Adanadl, n. respiration

Adanadliad, n. a respiring

Adanadlu, v. to respire

Adanerch, n. second greeting

Adanerchiad, n. a resaluting

Adanerchu, v. to resalute

Adanfon, v. to send again

Adanfoniad, n. a sending again

Adanfonol, a. sending again

Adar, n. p. birds, fowls

Adara, v. to fowl

Adarol, a. relating to birds

Adardy, n. an aviary, a cage

Adarddelw, v. to reassert

Adarddelwad, n. reassertion

Adaren, n. a female bird

Adargi, n. a setting dog

Adargoel, n. augury

Adargoelio, v. augurize

Adargop, n. a spider

Adargopwe, n. a spider’s web

Adarwr, n. a fowler

Adarwriaeth, n. the practice of fowling

Adaw, v. to glide off: to fly

Adawr, n. chewing the cud