Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/111

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Dibaid, a. unceasing, incessant

Dibaith, a. indistinct

Diball, a. sure, infallible

Dibara, a. not durable, short

Dibarod, a. unprepared

Dibarch, a void of respect

Dibech, a. without sin, sinless

Diben, a. headless, endless

Dibenaeth, a. without a chief

Diberchen, a. unpossessed

Diberfedd, a. without entrails

Diberthynas, a. irrelevant

Diberygl, a. without danger

Dibetrus, a. unhesitating

Dibil, a. having no peel

Dibl, n. a skirt; a daggle

Diblaid, a. without party

Diblant, a. childless

Dible, n. skirts; daggles

Dibleth, a. unplaited

Diblaid, n. bedaggling

Diblysg, a. without shell or husk

Diblo, v. to daggle, to draggle

Diblog, a. bedaggled

Diblu, a. featherless, unfledged

Diblwyf, a. having no parish

Diblydd, a. not mellow or soft

Diblyg, a. without a fold

Dibobl, a without people

Diboen, a. painless; unwearied

Diboeth, a. without heat

Diborth, a. helpless, unaided

Dibr, n. a saddle

Dibra, v. to put on a saddle

Dibraidd, a. without flocks

Dibrawf, a. without proof

Dibres, a without copper

Dibreswyl, a. having no abode

Dibrid, a. priceless

Dibridd, a. without earth

Dibryn, a. unscanty, unscarce

Dibrïod, a. unmarried

Dibrudd, a. indiscreet

Dibrwy, a. improvident

Dibryd, a. inopportune

Dibryder, a. without anxiety

Dibryn, a. without purchase

Dibrysur, a. not diligent

Dibur, a. impure

Dibwyll, a. senseless, witless

Dibwys, a. not heavy, light

Dibybyr, a. void of energy

Dibyn, n. a steep, a hanging

Dibynai, n. a pendulum

Dibynaidd, a. pendulous

Dibyniad, n. an impending

Dibynog, a. appendant

Dibynol, a. impending

Dibynu, v. to hang, to depend

Dibynydd, n. dependent

Dicen, n. a hen, female bird

Dichell, n. trick

Dichellgar, a. wily, crafty

Dichelliad, n. a devising

Dichellu, v. to use craft

Dichellus, a. crafty, inventive

Dichlyn, a. assidious

Dichlynder, n. assiduity

Dichlynedd, n. assiduity

Dichlynu, v. to act assiduously

Dichon, v. to be able

Dichoni, v. to be effectual

Dichoniad, n. effectuation

Dichwant, a. without desire

Dichwerw, a. not bitter

Dichwith, a. not awkward

Dichwyn, a. without weeds

Did, n. a teat; fluency

Didad, a. fatherless

Didaen, a. without expansion

Didaer, a. not importunate

Didal, a. without pay, unpaid

Didalch, a. unfractured

Didalm, a. incessant

Didanc, a. not tranquil

Didardd, a. uneffusive

Didarf, a. unchased, a unscared

Didaro, a. unaffected

Didarth, a. without vapour

Didasg, a. without task or job

Didaw, a. not silent, or tacit

Didawel, a. not calm

Didawl, a. incessant, unabated

Didech, a. without skulking

Dideimlad, a. unfeeling

Dideithi, a. imperfect