Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/118

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Diliad, n. operation

Dilid, a. not wrathful

Dilin, a. wrought, beaten

Dilio, v. to make accurate

Diliw, a. colourless: n. phantom

Dilon, a. not pleased

Diludd, a. unobstructed

Diluddedu, v. to rid of fatigue

Dilun, a. awkward; formless

Dilwch, a. undusty

Dilwgr, undefiled, unpolluted

Dilwrf, a. uncowardly

Dilwybr, a. pathless, trackless

Dilwydd, n. the celandine

Dilŵydd, a. unprosperous

Dilwyn, v. to shed, to cast off

Dilwyth, a. not having a burden

Dilyd, Dilyn, v. to follow

Dilyfyn, a. not smooth

Dilygad, a. sightless, eyeless

Dilyniad, n. a following

Dilyniaeth, n. a following

Dilynol, following; consequent

Dilys, a. unavoidable; certain

Dilysdod, n. certainty

Dilysiad, n. a making certain

Dilysiant, n. unavoidableness

Dilysol, a. unacceptionable

Dilysioldeb, n. unavoidableness; inseparability

Dilysrwydd, n. certitude

Dilysu, v. to make unavoidable, to certify

Dilywodraeth, a. anarchial

Dill, a plait, a fold

Dillad, n. apparel, clothes

Dilladiad, n. a clothing

Dilladu, v. to clothe, to dress

Dilladwr, n. a clothier; a tailor, habit-maker

Dilliad, n. a folding

Dillni, n. smartness; elegance

Dillyn, n. an ornament: a. smart, trim, spruce

Dillynder, n. smartness, gaiety

Dillynes, n. a smart female

Dim, n. nothing; anything; something; everything, trifle: a. no; any: adv. in no degree, not at all

Dimai, n. a halfpenny

Dimedd, n. nothingness

Dimeiwerth, a. halfpenny worth

Din, n. a hill, fort, fortress

Dinag, a. without exception

Dinam, a. unexceptionable

Dinas, n. a city; a fortress

Dinasol, a. belonging to a city

Dinawdd, a. without perception

Dincod, n. teeth, an edge; apple seed

Dinerth, a. impotent; feeble

Dinerthedd, n. impotence

Dinesig, a. belonging to a city

Dinesydd, n. a citizen

Dinesyddiaeth, n. muncipality

Dinesyddio, v. to denizen

Dinewid, a. without change

Dinidr, a. without hindrance

Diniwed, a. harmless, innocent

Dinod, a. of no note or mark

Dinodd, a. without juice or sap

Dinodded, a. defenceless

Dinoeth, a. not naked or bare

Dinwych, a. not languishing

Dinwyf, a. without liveliness

Dinwyth, a. inoxious

Dinystr, n. destruction

Dinystriad, n. a destroying

Dinystrio, v. to destroy

Dinystriol, a. destructive

Diobaith, a. without hope

Diober, a. worthless, useless

Diochel, a. unavoidable

Diod, n. drink, beverage

Diodgar, a. given to drinking

Diodi, v. to give drink

Diodid, a. not dubious

Diodlestr, n. a drinking cup

Diodr, a. uninterrupted

Diodrig, a. without delay

Diodrydd, a. given to drinking

Dioddef, a. without suffering

Dioed, a. without delay

Dioedran, a. not of age

Dioer, a. doubtless; verily