Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/123

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Diyni, a. without vigour

Diysbryd, a. lifeless, spiritless

Diysig, a. unconsuming

Diysgog, a. immovable

Diystryw, a. void of tricks

Diystwng, a. unsubjected

Diystyr, a. inconsiderate

Diystyriaeth, inconsiderateness

Diystyru, v. to despise

Do, adv. yes, yea

Dobrwy, n. a bribe; a fee

Dobrwyo, v. to bribe; to fee

Dobry, adv. underneath, below

Doco, adv. yonder

Dodi, v. to put, to lay, to deposit, to place, to give

Dodiad, n. a laying; a giving

Dodiadol, a. positional

Dodol, a. posited, set, laid

Dodrefn, n. furniture

Dodrefniad, n. a furnishing

Dodrefnu, v. to furnish

Dodrefnyn, a piece of furniture

Dodw, n. a laying, a setting

Dodwy, v. to lay, to deposit

Doddi, v. to come

Doe, n. yesterday

Doedyd, v. to say, to speak

Doeth, a. wise

Doethder, n. wisdom

Doethi, v. to show wisdom

Doethineb, n. wisdom

Doethyn, n. wiseacre

Dof, n. utensil: a. tame, gentle

Dofaeth, n. domesticity

Dofawd, n. training

Dofedig, a. trained, tamed

Dofiad, n. a taming

Doir, n. trained state

Dofraeth, n. usage; domesticity, lodging, quarters

Dofredig, a. domiciliated

Dofreithiad, n. domiciliation

Dofreithio, v. to domiciliate

Dofriad, n. domiciliation

Dofrol, a. domiciliating

Dofydd, n. one who forms or trains; tamer; the Lord

Dofyddiad, n. organiser

Dog, n. share, dividend

Dogn, n. due quantity, share

Dognedd, n. quantity; enough

Dogni, v. to proportion

Dogniad, n. proportioning

Dognol, a. proportional

Dôl, n. a winding; bow; dale; ring; noose, loop

Dolog, a. having windings

Dolef, n. shout

Dolefain, v. to shout

Dolen, n. loop, ring, bow

Doleniad, a. a forming a bow, ring or loop

Dolenu, v. to form a ring

Dolff, n. curve or bow

Dolffyn, n. dolphin

Doli, v. to form a ring or loop

Doloch, n. moan, wailing

Dolur, n. ache, pain, soar

Dolurio, v. to pain, to ache

Dolurus, a. sore, painful

Dolwch, n. adoration

Dolystain, n. trembling noise

Dolysteinio, v. to quiver

Dolystum, n. curved form

Dolystumiad, n. a curving

Dolystumio, v. to curve

Don, a. that overspreads

Dondiad, n. a taunting

Dondio, v. to taunt

Doniad, n. an endowing

Donio, v. to endow, to gift

Doniog, a. endowed, gifted

Doniol, a. endowing, giving

Dôr, n. a clausure; door

Dorfod, v. to be concerned

Dorglwyd, n. covering hurdle

Dori, v. to be concerned

Doriad, n. a being concerned

Dorlawd, n. a fondling

Dorlota, v. to fondle

Dorth, n. covering; limit

Dos, n. drop, particle: v. go, do thou go

Dosbarth, n. class; discrimination

Dosbarthedig, a. classified; distinguished; discriminated