Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/125

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Drydol, a. economical

Drygair, n. an ill report

Dryganedd, n. evil disposition

Dryganiaeth, n. mischief, malignity

Dryganian, n. malignity

Dryganianu, v. to fly in passion

Drygarfer, n. bad custom

Drygbwyll, a. irrational

Drygdyb, n. bad opinion

Drygdybio, v. to think evil of

Drygdybus, apt to think evil

Drygddamwain, n. mischance

Drygddyn, n. mischievous person, wicked fellow

Drygedd, n. malignity

Drygewyllys, n. ill will

Drygfoes, n. ill manners

Drygfwriad, n. evil intention

Drygfyd, n. adversity

Dryghin, n. badly inclined

Drygioni, n. badness, mischief

Drygionus, n. vicious, wicked

Dryglam, n. a mischance

Drygnaws, n. peevishness

Drygsawr, n. bad smell

Drygu, v. to harm, to hurt

Drygus, a. tending to evil

Drygweithred, n. evil deed

Drygweithredwr, n. an evil doer: culprit, felon

Drygyrferth, n. a wailing

Dryll, n. a piece, a fragment a gun

Drylliach, n. dribbets, snips

Drylliad, n. a breaking in pieces

Dryllio, v. to break in pieces

Drylliog, a. shattered, broken

Dryllyn, n. small piece

Dryllyniach, n. dribblets

Dryntol, Dyrnddol, n. the handle, of a cup, pot or jug

Dryon, n. the supreme one

Drysawr, n. a door-keeper

Drysores, n. a door-keeper

Drysu, n. briar brambles

Dryw, n. a druid; a wren

Drywol, a. druidical, druidic

Du, n. ink; adj. black, sable; gloomy

Duad, n. a blacking; a bay in a building; length of plough land

Duch, n. a sigh; a groan

Duchan, n. a lampoon; a jeer

Duchaniad, n. a lampooning

Duchanol, a. lampooning

Duchanu, v. to lampoon

Duder, n. darkness; gloom

Dudew, a. thick black

Duedd, n. blackness gloom

Dueg, n. melancholy

Dug, n. that is over; a duke

Duges, n. a duchess

Dugiaeth, n. a dukedom

Dugiol, a. belonging to a duke

Duglais, n. a black stripe

Duglwyd, n. the restharrow

Dul, n. bang, thump

Dulaid, n. a thumping

Dulas, a. blackish blue

Dulio, v. to bang, to thump

Duloew, a. of shining black

Dulwyd, n. dusky colour

Dulyn, n. black water; melancholy; Dublin

Dulys, n. lovage, an herb

Dull, n. figure, shape, farm, manner; pattern

Dulliad, n. formation

Dulliedig, a. formed, modified

Dullio, v. to form, to shape

Dullnewid, v. to transfigure

Dullnewidiad, transfiguration

Dullwedd, n. style

Duo, v. to blacken; to darken

Dur, n. hard matter; steel

Duraidd, a. of steely nature

Durdeb, n. steeliness; solidity

Duren, n. a steel to strike fire

Durew, n. a black frost

Durf, n. what is dense

Durfin, a. dense, close hard

Durfing, a. dense; austere

Duriad, n. a steeling

Durio, v. to steel; to edge

Duro, a. of steel; solid, dense

Duryn, n. a beak, a snout

Durynog, a. beaked, snouted