Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/137

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Edrith, n. a simulation

Edrwyth, n. a resolvent

Edrych, n. appearance; v. to look, to behold

Edrychedigaeth, n. appearance

Edrychiad, n. a looking

Edryd, n. a resource; a stock: v. to restore, to renew

Edrydiad, n. a restoration

Edrydd, n. a teller

Edryf, n. a resource, origin

Edryfiad, n. a reassuming

Edryfu, v. to ressume

Edrysedd, n. superfluity

Edryw, n. instinct; scent

Edrywant, n. a trace by scent

Edrywedd, n. instinct: scent

Edryweddu, v. to trace by scent

Edw, a. fady, faded, withered

Edwad, n. fading, away

Edwaint, n. a fading, a decay

Edwedd, n. a state of decay

Edwi, v. to decay, to fade

Edwica, v. to extort, to forestal

Edwin, a. fading, withering

Edwinaw, v. to fade, to decay

Edwiniad, n. a withering

Edyn, n. a winged one, a fowl

Edyrn, n. sovereignty

Edd, n. an instant, a gliding

Eddain, n. a move, or glide: v. to pass on; to glide

Ediestl, n. a fleet one, a steed

Eddestr, n. a chariot horse

Eddeu, v. to give impulse

Eddi, n. thrums; fringe

Eddrin, n. a whispering: v. to whisper

Eddrith, n. varied appearance

Eddu, v. to press on, to go

Eddwll, a. covered; submissive

Eddyl, n. relation; attribute

Eddyllder, n. submission

Eddyllu, v. to be humble

Ef, pron. it; he, or him

Efa, v. to agitate; to move

Efain, v. to be moving

Efan, n. motion; course

Efe, pron. he, or him

Efel, a. being like, similar

Efelwch, n. similitude

Efelychu, v. to resemble

Efelly, ad. in that way, so

Efengyl, n. the gospel

Efengylaidd, a evangelical

Efengyles, n. female evangelist

Efengyliaeth, n. evangelism

Efengylu, v. to evangelize

Efnys, n. enemies, foes

Efo, pron, he, him: conj. with, along with

Eforu, ad. to-morrow

Efrad, n. treachery; crime

Efras, n. plumpness

Efre, n. tare, weed

Efrefiad, n. a lowing

Efrefu, v. to low, to bleat

Efrllid, n. merit, desert

Efryd, n. study, meditation

Efrydio, v. to meditate

Efrydd, a. maimed, disabled

Efryddiad, n. a maiming

Efryddu, v. to maim, to disable

Efwyr, n. hog parsnip

Efydd, n. copper; brass

Efydden, n. a copper pan

Efyddiad, n. a coppering

Efyddu, v. to copper

Efyddwaith, n. copper work

Efyntau, pron. he or him, also

Efyrnig, n. a yearling goat

Effaith, n. an effect

Effeithiad, n. effectuation

Effeithio, v. to effectuate

Effeithiol, a. effectual

Effeithiolaeth, n. effectuation

Effeithioldeb, n. efficaciousness

Effeithioli, v. to effectuate

Effro, a. agitated; awake

Effroad, n. rousing, waking

Effroi, v. to rouse; to wake

Effrom, a. haughty, stubborn

Eg, n. that is open; acre

Egalen, n. whetstone

Egawr, n. an opening

Egfaen, n. a haw, a berry