Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/150

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Ffladriad, n. doting

Ffladru, v. to dote, to fondle

Fflag, n. what parts from, or rifted

Fflaim, n. a lancet

Fflair, n. a feist; a puff

Fflais, n. a break, a rent

Fflam, n. a flame, a blaze

Fflamaidd, a. like a flame, flaming

Fflameg, n. inflammation, blearedness

Ffiamiad, n. a flaming

Fflamio, v. to inflame, to blaze

Fflamiol, a. flaming, blazing

Fflamllyd, a. flammeous, flamy

Fflamwch, n. a flaming state

Fflamychu, v. to emit flame

Fflask, n. a basket: a flask

Fflasgaid, n. a flaskful

Fflasged, n. a straw vessel

Fflau, n. a spread out, radiation

Fflaw, n. a ray, a dart

Ffle, n. a hem round, a closure

Fflech, n. a squeak, a squeal

Ffled, n. restraint; refusal, a. restricted; scarce

Ffleg, n. a squeak, a squeal

Fflegam, squeaking; chuckling

Fflleimio, v. to lance, to use a fleam

Ffleiriad, n. a feisting

Ffleirio, v. to feist; to stink

Ffleiryn, n. a stinkard

Ffles, n. lees, or dregs

Fflew, n. that keeps in; a guard

Ffliciad, n. a darkening over

Fflicio, v. to be overcast

Fflich, n. a squeak, a squeal

Fflichio, v. to squeak out

Fflöad, n. a darting, radiation

Ffloch, a. rise, abrupt; quick

Fflochen, n. a splinter; a rift

Fflochenu, v. to splinter

Fflochi, v. to dart suddenly

Fflochiad, n. a darting out

Fflöew, radiant, lucid, dazzling

Ffloi, v. to radiate, to diverge

Fflöyn, n. a shiver; a shred

Fflu, n. a breaking out

Fflur, n. bright hue; bloom

Fflureg, n. a ship’s prowl forecastle

Ffluro, v. bloom, to seem bright

Ffluwch, n. a bushy hair

Fflw, n. tendency, to spread out

Fflwch, a. rife, full, brisk

Fflychio, v. to break out suddenly

Ffo, n. a flight, to retreat: v. to flee

Ffoad, n. a running away, a fleeing

Ffoadur, n. a fugitive

Ffoaduriad, n. a fugitive

Ffoadures, a. fugitive, fugacious

Ffoawd, n. the act of retreating

Ffoawdr, n. a fugitive

Ffoawl, a. fugitive, fleeing

Ffoc, n. fire place, furnace

Ffod, n. a shank, a leg

Ffodog, a. thick-shanked

Fodio, v. to prosper, to be lucky

Ffodiog, a. prosperous

Ffodus, a. fortunate, lucky

Ffoddi, v. to cast a splendour

Ffoddiain, a. phosphoric

Ffoddiaint, n. phosphorus

Fföedig, a. fugitive, retreating

Fföedigaeth, n. fugation

Fföedigrwydd, n. fugacity

Ffol, v. to retreat, to run away, to flee

Ffol, round; silly, foolish; vain

Ffoledd, n. foolishness, folly

Ffolen, n. buttock, haunch

Ffolenig, n. a little buttock

Ffolenog, a. of large buttock

Ffolenu, v. to become round

Ffoles, n. a silly female

Ffoli, v. to delude; to deride

Ffolineb, n. foolishness, folly

Ffoll, n. a broad squab

Ffollach, n. a squab, a waddlen

Ffon, n. a staff; a cudgel

Ffondoriad, n. a striking with a stick, a breaking a stick on one

Ffondorio, v. to beat with a stick, to cudgel

Ffonodio, v. to cudgel