Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/153

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Ffumer, n. a chimney

Ffun, n. a bundle, a bind

Ffunell, n. a small bundle

Ffunen, n. a lace, a fillet

Ffuneniad, n. a filleting

Ffunenu, v. to bind, to lace

Ffunud, n. figure, manner

Ffur, a. wary, wily, wise

Ffured, n. a wily one, a ferret

Ffuredu, v. to ferret out

Ffurf, n. shape; form; order

Ffurfafen, n. a firmament

Ffurfeiddio, v. to frame

Ffurfiad, n. a shaping

Ffust, n. a flail, a thrasher

Ffustiad, n. a thrashing

Ffusto, v. to beat, to bang

Ffwdan, n. bustle, hurry

Ffwdanu, v. to be in a hurry

Ffwdanus, a. fidgetty, hurried

Ffwg, n. what is volatile

Ffwgws, n. dry leaves; tobacco

Ffwl, n. a blunt one; a fool

Ffwlach, n. refuse; light-corn

Ffwn, n. a pwff; a sigh

Ffwrch, n. a furcation

Ffwrdd, n. a going off: prep. off, from: ad. away

Ffwrn, n. a furnace, an oven

Ffwrw, n. soft hair: fur

Ffwtiar, n. a squab, a paunch

Ffwtog, n. a short tail, a scut

Ffwyl, n. a stroke; a foil

Ffwyn, n. hay newly cut

Ffwynen, n. a hay bandage

Ffwynog, n. a meadow

Ffwyr, n. a drive: an onset

Ffwyriad, n. an impulsion

Ffwyro, v. to impel

Ffyd, n. garments, robes

Ffydd, n. faith, reliance

Ffyddio, v. to have faith

Ffyddiol, a. relating to faith

Ffyddlon, a. faithful

Ffyddlondeb, n. faithfulness

Ffydloniad, n. a faithful one

Ffylor, n. dust, powder

Ffyll, a. overgrown; gloomy

Ffyllio, v. to overshade

Ffynadwy, a. fortunate

Ffyned, n. a respiration

Ffynegl, n. a furrow

Ffyneglu, v. to furrow

Ffynel, n. an air-hole, a vent

Ffyniant, n. prosperity

Ffyniannus, a. prospering

Ffynnon, n. a fountain, a well, a spring

Ffynnonell, n. an issue

Ffynnoni, v. to rise in springs

Fynnu, v. to prosper

Ffyr, n. a solid body

Ffyrf, a. thick; firm, steady

Ffyrfau, v. to become thick

Ffyrfder, n. thickness firmness

Ffyrfeiddio, v. to become firm; to make firm

Ffyrfiant, n. thickness

Ffyrnig, a. fierce

Ffyrnigo, v. to grow fierce

Ffyrnigrwydd, n. fierceness

Ffysg, n. impetuosity: a. hasty, impetuous

Ffysgiad, n. a hastening

Ffysgio, v. to hasten

Ffysgiol, a. impetuous

Gad, n. a parting; leave

Gadael, v. to quit, to leave

Gadaw, v. to quit, to leave

Gadawedigaeth, n. act of leaving

Gadawiad, n. a leaving

Gadawedig, a. relinquished permitted

Gafael, n. a hold, a grasp

Gafaelfach, n. grappling-hook

Gafaelgar, a. apt to hold

Gafaelgarwch, n. tenaciousness

Gafaelgi, n. mastiff dog

Gafaeliad, n. a hold; a caption

Gafaeliog, a. having hold

Gafaelu, v. to hold, to grasp

Gafaelus, a. apt to lay hold

Gafaelwr, n. a distrainer

Gafl, n. a fork: the stride