Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/155

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Garmio, v. to set up a cry

Garmiol, a. shouting, bawling

Garsyth, a. stiff in a ham

Garth, n. a buttress; a ridge; enclosure

Garthan, n. an encampment

Garthan, v. to fortify, to defend

Garthon, n. an ox goad

Garw, n. a rough; a torrent; the after-birth: a. rough

Garwâad, n. a roughening

Garwâu, v. to roughen

Garwedd, n. a roughness

Garwen, n. a virago

Gâst, n. a bitch

Gâu, n. a falsehood, a lie: a. masked, false

Gauaf, n. the winter

Gauafdy, n. a winter-house

Gauafie, n. winter quarters

Gauafnos, n. winter night

Gauafol, a. wintry, brumal

Gauafu, v. to pass a winter

Gaugrefydd, n. heresy

Gaw, n. a sinew, a tendon

Gawl, n. a dawn: a. holy

Gawr, n. shout; a grey colour

Gawri, v. to bawl

Gawriad, n. a shouting

Gawy, a sinewy; nervous

Gefail, n. tongs, pincers; smithy

Gefeiliad, a. a nipping

Gefeilio, v. to hold with tongs

Gefell, n. a twin

Gefyn, n. a fetter

Gefyniad, n. a fettering

Gefynog, a. fettered, sheckled

Gefynu, v. to fetter

Gefynwr, a. fetterer

Geian, a. spray, foam

Geifawr, a. greatly foaming

Geilig, a. hunting, exploring

Geilwad, n. a caller; a driver

Geingiad, n. a wedging

Geingio, v. to drive a wedge

Geida, n. good report, fame

Geirdardd, n. etymology

Geirdarddawg, a. etymological

Geirdro, n. pun, quibble

Geirdroi, v. to pun, to quibble

Geirddadlu, v. to cavil

Geirddoeth, a. of discreet words

Geirgar, a. verbose, wordy

Geiriad, n. a wording

Geiriadur, n. a dictionary

Geirio, v. to word, to phrase

Geiriog, a. abounding in words

Geiriol, a. verbal, verbose

Geiriolaeth, n. phraseology

Geirwir, a. of true words

Geirydd, n. a worder: a speaker

Gel, n. aptness to glide; a leech

Gelach, n. a sorry fribble

Gele, n. a leech

Gelen, n. that glides; leech

Geleurudd, a. crimson stained

Geleuruddio, to stain with blood

Gelin, n. a shoot, a sprig

Gelwain, v. to be crying out

Gelwig, n. brushwood

Gelyn, n. a foe, an enemy

Gelynes, n. a female foe

Gelyniaeth, n. hostility

Gelyniaethus, a. hostile

Gelynol, a. hostile, adverse

Gelyst, n. sedges, flags

Gell, n. a dun hue: a. dun

Gellaig, n. pears

Gellast, n. buck-hound bitch

Gellegwydd, n. pear trees

Gellgi, n. a buck hound

Gellhesg, n. the corn sedge

Gem, n. a gem, a jewel

Gemu, v. to set with gems

Gemydd, n. a jeweller

Gen, n. intellect; soul life; mouth: a jaw; a chin

Genau, n. jaws, a mouth

Genedigaeth, n. nativity

Genedigol, a. native, natal

Geneth, n. a girl; a daughter

Genethaidd, a. girlish

Genethig, n. a little maid

Geneuaid, n. a chopful

Geneugoeg, n. a lizard

Geneuol, a oral, by mouth