Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/161

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Gogarth, n. that is cleansing

Gogawn, n. capability; energy, plentitude: a. capable

Gogawn, v. to endue with power

Gogawr, n. a fodder

Gogel, a. somewhat concealed

Gogelu, v. to shelter

Gogelus, a. apt to shun; very careful

Gogelyd, v. to shun, to avoid

Gogerdd, n. a burlesque

Gogern, n. a leer, a sly look

Gogi, v. to shake, to agitate

Gogil, n. small decline

Gogiliad, n. a slight recession

Gogilio, v. to recede slightly

Gogis, n. a gentle slap

Goglais, n. a tickle

Goglawd, n. a murmur, a hum

Gogledd, n. the north: a. north

Gogleddiad, a going northward

Gogleddol, a. northern

Gogleddu, v. to veer northward

Gogleddwr, n. a Norman

Gogleisiad, n. a tickling

Gogleisio, v. to tickle

Goglud, n. a dependance, trust: v. to depend

Goglywed, v. to over-hear

Gognoi, v. to gnaw slightly

Gogochi, v. to give a red hue

Gogof, n. a cavern, a den

Gogofawg, a. cavernous

Goganawl, a. glorious, exalted

Gogonedd, n. that is exalted, glorification: a. glorious

Gogoneddu, to exalt; to glorify

Gogoneddus, a. glorious, grand

Gogoni, v. to make glorious

Gogoniant, n. glory; grandeur

Gogoriad, n. foddering

Gogorio, v. to fodder

Gogr, n. a sieve, a sierce

Gograid, n. a sieveful

Gogrin, a. somewhat brittle

Gogrisbin, a. partly crinkled

Gogrych, a. partly curled

Gogrwr, n. a sifter, a siercer

Gogryddes, n. a female shifter

Gogryn, v. to sift, to bolt

Gogryniad, n. shifting, a bolting

Gogrynwr, n. a shifter

Goguddio, v. to hide partly

Gogus, n. daliance, a toying

Gogusol, a. dallying, toying

Gogwy, a. full of motion, active

Gogwydd, n. obliquity, bent

Gogwyddedigaeth, n. an inclination, a declination

Gogwyddiad, n. an inclination

Gogwyddo, v. to incline, to lean

Gogwyddol, inclining, tending

Gogydryw, n. homogeny: a homogenial

Gogyfaddaw, v. to threaten

Gogyfarch, a conspicuous

Gogyfartal, a. co-equal, similar

Gogyfiad, n. equalization

Gogyfled, n. mean breadth: a. of equal breadth

Gogyfnos, n. partial twilight

Gogyfoed, a. partly coetaneous

Gogyfred, a. partly concurrent

Gogyfres, a. of uniform range

Gogyfun, a. partially united

Gogyfurdd, n. a compeer

Gogyfuwch, a. of equal height

Gogyffrawd, n. slight impulse

Gogyffred, n. slight idea

Gogyhyd, a. of equal length

Grogylch, n. a circumference

Gogylchiaith, n. periphrasis

Gogymaint, of equal magnitude

Gogynnal, v. to uphold equally

Gogysgod, n. a phantom

Goheb, n. correspondence

Gohebiad, n. a corresponding

Gohebol, a. corresponding

Gohebu, to talk; to correspond

Gohebwr, n. a correspondent

Gohen, n. inclination; bias

Gohil, n. that is but half produce; a degenerate breed

Gohir, n. a linger, a delay

Gohiriad, n. a lingering; an adjournment

Gohirio, v. to delay, to adjourn