Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/175

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Gwäeg, n. a fibula; a clasp

Gwäegiad, n. a buckling

Gwäegu, v. to buckle; to clasp

Gwael, a. low, vile; poorly

Gwaeledd, n. vileness; misery

Gwaeleddu, v. to make wretched

Gwaelni, vileness; wretchedness

Gwaelod, n. a bottom, a base

Gwaelodi, v. to bottom

Gwaelodiad, n. a bottoming

Gwaelodion, n. bottoms

Gwaelu, v. to grow low or poor; to become faint

Gwaeddol, a. crying, shouting

Gwaeu, v. to make vile

Gwäell, gwëyll, n. a skewer, a broach; a knitting needle; a spindle. Gwäell, neidr, a dragon-fly

Gwäelliad, n. a skewering

Gwäellu, v. to skewer, to broach

Gwaen, n. a meadow

Gwaeniad, n. a going headlong

Gwaened, a. headlong; furious

Gwaent, n. a full view

Gwaer, simple: rustic, clownish

Gwaered, n. a descent, a slope

Gwaeredu, v. to tend downward

Gwaes, n. a pledge

Gwaesaf, n. a pledge; a deposit, a warrant; a deposition

Gwaesafiad, n. a pledging

Gwaesafu, v. to pledge; to insure

Gwaesiad, n. a giving pledge

Gwaesol, a. earnest; warranting

Gwaesu, v. to pledge

Gwaeth, a. worse

Gwaethâd, n. an impairing

Gwaethach, a. worse, more bad

Gwaethaf, a. worst, most bad

Gwaethâu, v. to grow worse

Gwaetherwydd, interj. alas

Gwaethliad, n. a struggling

Gwaethu, v. to make worse

Gwaethwaeth, worse and worse

Gwaethwg, n. impaired state

Gwaethygiad, n. an impairing

Gwaethygu, v. to impair

Gwaew, n. pang, pain, agony, spasm; a lance

Gwaewffon, n. a javelin

Gwag, n. avoid, a vacuum, a void, empty, vacant

Gwagder, n. emptiness

Gwagedd, n. emptiness, vanity

Gwageddu, v. to act vainly

Gwagelog, a. circumspect

Gwagelu, v. to act cautiously

Gwagelyd, v. to shun, to avoid

Gwagfolach, n. vain boasting

Gwagâd, n. an emptying

Gwagâu, v. to make a void

Gwagiad, n. a making void

Gwagiaith, n. vain prattle

Gwaglais, n. a hollow voice

Gwaglwyf, n. a linden tree

Gwagoniant, n. vain glory

Gwagorchest, ostentations skill

Gwagorfoledd, n. vain triumph or boasting

Gwagymffrost, n. swaggering

Gwagymgais, n. vain attempt

Gwang, n. greed, voracity

Gwangen, n. the shad fish

Gwangiad, n. the sewin fish

Gwahan, a. separate, distinct

Gwahanadwy, a. separable

Gwahanai, n. genitive case

Gwahanblyg, n. the diaphora

Gwahanedigaethydd, n. the genitive case

Gwahanfod, n. diversity of being

Gwahan-glwyf, n. leprosy

Gwahan-glwyfus, a. leprous

Gwahaniad, n. a separating

Gwahaniaeth, n. a separation

Gwahaniaethol, a. disjunctive

Gwahaniaethu, to discriminate

Gwahanlen, n. separation veil

Gwahannôd, n. a colon

Gwahanol, separating, different

Gwahanoldeb, n. separateness

Gwahanoli, v. to make distinct

Gwahanran, n. a paragraph

Gwahanred, n. discrimination

Gwahanredol, a. distinguishing