Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/192

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Gwynaf, n. a fretful state

Gwynafiad, n. a being froward

Gwynafog, a. peevish; vicious

Gwynafu, v. to act frowardly

Gwynaint, n. the highest heaven, the empyrean

Gwynâu, v. to become white

Gwynblwm, n. white lead

Gwynder, Gwyndra, n. whiteness

Gwyndod, n. felicity, blist

Gwyndro, n. stupor; numbness

Gwyndwn, n. lay land; lay hay

Gwynddas, a. peevish, fretful

Gwynddasu, v. to act peevishly

Gwyneb, n. a face, a visage

Gwynebedd, n. superficies

Gwynebiad, n. a facing

Gwynebol, a. facing, fronting

Gwynebu, v. to face, to front

Gwynebwarth, n. shame of face, a fine so called

Gwyneg, a throb; a spasm; rheumatism

Gwynegiad, n. a throbbing

Gwynegol, a. throbbing; spasmodic

Gwynegu, v. to throb; to ache

Gwyneithiad, n. a consecrating

Gwyneithu, v. to consecrate

Gwynfryd, n. a happy mind

Gwynfyd, n. felicity, happiness

Gwynfydedig, a. blessed, happy

Gwynfydiad, n. a becoming fanatic

Gwynfydu, v. to become frantic; to become fanatic

Gwyngalch, a. being white-washed

Gwyngalchiad, n. a whitewashing

Gwyngalchu, v. to whitewash

Gwyniad, n. a whiting, a making white; whiting, (a fish)

Gwyniaeth, n. a blessed state

Gwynias, a. of glowing heat

Gwyniasu, v. to make red hot

Gwyniedyn, n. a whiting

Gwyning, n. the sap of timber

Gwynio, v. to throb; to lust

Gwynlas, a pale blue, whitish blue, sky-coloured

Gwynnaeth, n. flatulency

Gwynod, n. hasty pudding

Gwynog, a. passionate, full of rage

Gwynon, n. dry sticks for fuel

Gwynrew, n. numbness by cold

Gwynt, n. wind, breath

Gwynthollt, n. a wind-crack

Gwyntiad, n. ventilation

Gwyntio, v. to blow

Gwyntog, a. windy, full of wind

Gwyntyll, n. a ventilator

Gwyntylliad, n. a ventilating

Gwyntyllio, v. to ventilate

Gwynu, v. to whiten, to bleach

Gwynwg, n. whiteness

Gwynwy, n. white of egg

Gwynwydd, n. the willows

Gwynygiad, n. a glittering

Gwyr, n. pure element; ether, freshness; a green tinge: a. fresh, vigorous, verdant

Gŵyr, a. oblique, sloping

Gwyr, Gwyra, a. pure; fresh; lively

Gŵyrad, n. a making awry

Gwyraeth, n. sublimation

Gwyrain, n. barnacles; v. to sublimate

Gwyran, n. coarse rushy grass

Gwyrch, n. an overtopping

Gwyrdra, n. freshness

Gŵyrdro, n. perversion

Gŵyrdroï, v. to pervert

Gŵyrdynu, v. to draw obliquely

Gwyrdd, a. green

Gwyrddedd, n. greenness

Gwyrddfaen, n. an emerald

Gwyrddiad, n. a making green

Gwyrddlas, a. greenish blue

Gwyrddon, n. a verdant plat

Gwyrddu, v. to make green

Gwyredd, Gwyrddni, obliquity; wryness; bias

Gwyreiniad, n. sublimation

Gwyreinio, v. to sublimate

Gwyreinig, a. luxuriant; lively

Gwyrf, a. pure, fresh, not salt