Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/210

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Iawndda, a. rightly good

Iawnedd, a. rectitude

Iawni, v. to render right

Iawniad, n. a righting

Iawnles, n. right advantage

Iawnran, n. right share

Iawnred, n. right course

Iawnryw, n. right kind

Iawnwedd, n. right aspect

Iawnymgais, n. right pursuit

Iawnysgrif, n. orthography

Ib, n. aptness to run out

Ic, n. that is pointed or accute

Ich, n. screak, squeal

Ichiad, n. a screaking

Id, n. that is drawn out; a point; pronominal agent

Idiaw, v. to acuminate

Idd, n. that is sharp: prep. to, towards; for; into

Iddas, a. pungent; subtile

Iddwf, n. St. Anthony’s fire

Ië, ad. it is so; yes, yea

Iechyd, n. health, sanity

Iechydol, a. salutary, healthful

Iachawdwriaeth, n. salvation

Ieithgarwch, n. philology

Ieithiad, n. phraseology

Ieithiadur, n. grammar

Ieithio, v. to form a phrase

Ieithiog, a. having language

Ieithogi, v. to form a phrase

Ieithol, a. relating to speech

Ieithydd, n. linguist

Ieithyddiacth, n. philology

Ieithyddu, v. to form speech

Ieithyddwr, n. linguist

Ierthi, n. driving-rod; goad

Iesin, a. radiant, glorious; fair

Iesinaw, v. to radiate; to be fair, to render fair

Iesinder, n. radiancy

Iesu, n. Jesus

Iet, n. a country gate

Ieuad, n. a joining, a yoking

Ieuaf, a. youngest

Ieuanc, n. youth; a. young

Ieuant, n. infant, youth

Ieuangaidd, a. somewhat young

Ieuenctyd, n. youth, minority

Ieugen, n. ferret

Ieuo, v. to couple, to yoke

Ieuol, a. being joined or yoked

Iewin, a. clamorous, noisy

Iewidd, n. yoke, collar

If, n. that is impelled or cast

Iff, n. that is forcibly ejected

Ig, n. a vexing; hickup; sob

Igiad, n. a sighing or sobbing

Igian, v. to be sobbing

Il, n. that is in motion, ferment

Iliad, n. fermentation

Iliaw, v. to ferment, to work

Ilir, n. butterfly

Ill, n. an augment, a particle: pron. their, they, used with two and three: Ill dau, ill dri

Im, n. that is extreme

Imp, n. a scion, or a shoot

Impiad, n. a germinating

Impio, v. to germinate; to graft

Impiol, a. germinating, shooting

Impog, n. osculation, or kiss

Impyn, n. a scion, a shoot

In, n. that is pervading

Indeg, n. sublimate; raving mad

Insel, n. a mark; seal, signet

Inseiliad, n. a marking; a sealing

Inseilio, v. to mark; to seal

Ing, n. a strait, a difficulty; a. straight, confined

Ingaidd, a. somewhat strait or narrow

Ingder, n. straitness

Ingol, n. tending to straiten

Io, interj. well-a-day, lack-a-day

Ioed, n. time past; ever

Iolad, n. a worshipping

Iolaeth, n. adoration, worship

Iolaethu, v. to adore

Iolawr, n. an adorer

Iolch, n. an act of devotion

Ioli, v. to praise; to worship

Ion, n. a first cause; the Lord

Ionawr, n. January