Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/214

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Llamsach, n. a caper

Llamu, v. to stride; to step

Llamwr, n. one who strides

Llan, n. area; yard; a church

Llanastr, n. a strewed place

Llanastrawl, a. strewing

Llanastriad, n. a strewing

Llanc, n. a youth, a youngster

Llances, n. a young woman

Llancesig, n. a tiny girl

Llandref, n. a church village

Llaned, a. of a clear surface

Llanedd, n. smoothness

Llanerch, n. a clear area, a clear patch; a glade

Llanerchu, v. to lay in patches

Llant, n. an enclosed plat

Llanw, n. fulness, influx

Llanwed, n. an influx, a tide

Llar, n. that spreads, that is soft

Llariaidd, a. mild, meek, gentle

Llariain, a. full of mildness

Llarieiddiad, n. a growing mild

Llarieddio, v. to meliorate

Llarp, n. a shred, a clout

Llarpiad, n. a tearing to rags

Llarpio, v. to tear, to rend

Llarpiog, a. tattered, ragged

Llaru, v. to satiate, to cloy

Llerwch, n. mildness

Llary, n. a placid one: a. placid, gentle, meek

Llaryaw, v. to render mild

Llarychu, v. to soften

Llaryedd, n. mildness, suavity

Llaryeiddio, v. to grow mild

Llas, n. incrustation; blue

Llasar, n. enamel: a. blue

Llasarn, n. a pavement: a flooring of stones

Llasarniad, n. a paving

Llasarnu, v. to pave, to floor

Llasarnwr, n. a pavier

Llasog, n. a streamer

Llast, n. a receptable, a vessel

Llaswy, n. a bluish tint

Llaswyr, n. aerial freshness

Llatai, n. a love messenger

Llatcawd, n. a shallow bowl

Llateies, n. love messenger

Llatwn, n. latten; brass

Llath, n. a rod, a staff; a yard

Llathenaid, n. a yard length

Llathen, n. a rod, a yard

Llathlud, n. seduction

Llathludo, v. to seduce

Llathr, a. glossy, glittering

Llathraid, a. glittering; polished

Llathrawl, a. glittering, glaring

Llathreiddiaw, v. to make glittering, or glossy

Llathriad, n. a glittering

Llathru, v. to make glossy, to polish, to glitter

Llathrudd, n. stupration

Llathruddaw, v. to stuprate

Llathruddiad, n. struprating

Llathryd, n. violence, a rape

Llathrydaw, n. to violate

Llathrydd, n. a polisher

Llau, v. to lay open; to slay: n. creepers, or lice

Llaw, n. a hand

Llawaeth, n. act of handing

Llawagawr, n. the culerage

Llawaid, n. a handful

Llawarwain, n. manuduction

Llawban, n. felt, felt cloth

Llawborth, n. hand feeding

Llawciad, n. a gulping

Llawciaw, v. to gulp, to gorge

Llawch, n. protection, guard

Llawchwith, a. left handed

Llawd, n. that shoots out; a lad, a. tending forward; craving, lewd

Llawdaro, n. hot-cockles

Llawdlws, a. neat-handed

Llawdr, n. trowsers, breeches

Llawdryfer, n. hand harpoon

Llawdywys, n. manuduction

Llawdd, n. pleasure, delight: a. delectable, solacing

Llawddawg, a. yielding pleasure

Llawddeau, a. right-handed

Llawddewiniaeth, chiromancy