Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/23

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Anarcholladwy, a. invulnerable

Anardymmer, a. indisposition

Anarferol, a. unaccustomed

Anarferu, v. to disuse

Anarfog, a. unarmed

Anarwyddocâd, n. insignificance

Anattaliadwy, a. unrestrainable

Anattebol, a. unanswerable

Anchwiliadwy, a. unsearchable

Andras, n. an enemy; Satan

Andwyo, v. to ruin; to disorder

Andwyol, a. ruining

Anëang, unspacious, unample

Anebrwydd, a. not quick

Anedifarus, a. unrelenting

Anedifeiriol, a. impenitent

Anedifeirwch, n. impenitence

Anedmygedd, n. irreverence

Aneffeithiol, a. ineffectual

Aneffeithioldeb, n. inefficacy

Aneglur, a. not clear, indistinct

Aneglurdeb, n. indistinctness

Anegwan, a. potent, unfeeble,

Aneiddil, a. unslender

Aneirif, a. innumerable

Aneirifedd, n. innumerableness

Anelwig, n. shapeless

Anennill, a. without gain

Anenwog, a. unrenowned

Anenwogi, v. to make ignoble

Anenwogrwydd, n. ignobleness

Anerch, n. a salute, a greeting; v. to salute, to greet

Anerchiad, n. a salutation

Anerchol, a. gratulatory

Anerchwr, n. complimenter

Anermygawl, a. inorganical

Anesgariad, n. inseperability

Anesgor, a. without deliverance

Anesgud, a. not quick, slow

Anesmwyth, a. uneasy, painful

Anesmwythder, n. uneasiness

Aneamwytho, v. to make uneasy

Anewyllysgarwch, n. unwillingness

Anfad, a. naughty

Anfadu, v. to become naughty

Anfadrwydd, n. impiousness

Anfaddeuant, n. unforgiveness

Anfalch, a. humble

Anfanwl, a. inaccurate

Anfanylrwydd, n. inacuracy

Anfarwol, a. immortal

Anfarwoldeb, n. immortality

Anfas, a. not shallow; deep

Anfawl, v. void of praise

Anfedrus, a. unskilful, bungling

Anfedrusedd, n. unskilfulness

Anfedrusrwydd, n. unskilfulness

Anfeddygol, a. incurable

Anfeddylgar, a. incogitative

Anfeidredd, n. infinity

Anfeidrol, a. infinite; immense

Anfelus, a. not sweet; insipid

Anfelusder, n. lack of sweetness

Anferth, a. without beauty

Anferthedd, n. unsightliness

Anfesurol, a immeasureable

Anfethiant, n. infalability

Anfodd, n. displeasure

Anfoddgar, a. displeasing

Anfoddhad, n. a displeasing

Anfoddhau, v. to displease

Anfoddiad, n. idisobliging

Anfoddio, v. to displease

Anfoddlawn, a. discontented

Anfoddlondeb, n. discontentedness

Anfoddloni, v. to discontent

Anfoddog, a. dissatisfied, implacable

Anfoddogrwydd, n. implacableness

Anfoddogi, v. to discontent

Anfoes, n. immorality, rudeness

Anfoesgar, a. unmannerly

Anfoesol, a. immoral

Anfoesoldeb, n. immorality

Anfoethus, a. not dainty

Anfon, a. sending; v. to send

Anfonadwy, a. that may be sent

Anfonedd, a. without nobility

Anfoneddig, a. ungenteel

Anfoneddigaidd, a. ungentle

Anfoniad, n. a mission

Anfonol, a. missive; missionary

Anfri, a. disrespect, disesteem

Anfucheddol, a. of ill habit

Anfudd, a. lack of profit