Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/231

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Maeroni, n. dairy husbandry

Maeronwr, n. a dairy-man

Maes, n. a plain, open field. Colli y maes, to be vanquished

Maes, adv. out, from within

Maesa, v. to turn out; to evacuate

Maesdir, n. champaign land

Maesiad, n. a taking of the field

Maesol, a. belonging to the field, champaign

Maeth, n. nurture; fosterage

Maethu, v. to get nourishmen

Maethawd, n. a cherishing

Maethdad, n. a foster-father

Maethedig, a. nourished: fostered

Maethen, n. a pampered one

Maethfab, n. a foster-son

Maethfam, n. a foster-mother

Maethferch, n. a foster-daughter

Maethiad, n. a nourishing

Maethiannus, a. nutrimental

Maethiant, n. nourishment

Maethid, n. nurture, feeding

Maethidiol, a. nutrimental

Maethineb, n. nourishment

Maethol, a. nurturing; fostering

Maethran, n. a mess company

Maethu, v. to nourish, to foster

Maethus, a. alimentary, nutritive

Maf, n. what is clustering

Mafon, n. raspberries

Mafonen, n. a raspberry

Mafonwydd, n. raspberry bushes

Mag, n. act of nursing, nurture

Magad, n. a brood; a multitude

Magaden, n. a nursling

Magawd, n. a nurturing

Magdan, n. a combustible, tinder, what supports fire

Magddu, n. fountain of blackness

Magfa, n. nursery

Magi, n. principle of generation

Magiad, n. a breeding, a rearing

Magiaid, n. worms, grubs

Magien, n. a worm, a glow-worm

Magiod, n. worms, grubs

Magl, n. a snare, a gin, a springe; a webb on the eye

Magledigaeth, n. entanglement; meshing

Maglen, n. a springe, a gin

Magliad, n. an entangling

Maglog, a. entangled, snared

Maglu, v. to snare, to entangle

Magodorth, n. a suppression

Magol, a. nursing, breeding

Magon, n. berries; clusters

Magu, v. to breed, to rear, to nurse

Magwriaeth, n. nourishment

Magwy, n. a cluster, a bunch

Magwyad, n. a clustering

Magwyr, n. an enclosure, a wall; a building; a house

Magwyren, n. a wall of a building

Magwyriad, n. a raising of a wall

Magwyro, v. to wall; to enclose

Mai, n. field; month of May

Mai, conj. that

Maid, n. what separates or limits

Maidd, n. whey; curds and whey

Maig, n. a sudden turn

Mail, n. a bowl, a bason

Main, a. slender, fine, thin

Mainc, n. a bench, a seat

Maint, n. size, magnitude, bigness, quantity

Maip, n. turnips

Mais, n. device, contrivance

Maith, a. ample; tedious, long

Mal, a. trivial, small; light; like

Mal, conj. as if

Mal, adv. like, so; in the same manner as

Mâl, n. what extends; what is produced; bounty; what is ground: a. ductive; smooth, glib

Malaith, n. chilblain

Malâu, v. to make similar

Maldod, n. levity; dalliance; fondness, delight

Maldodi, v. to dally, to fondle, to act with levity