Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/235

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Marwor, n. burning cinders

Marworyn, n. ember

Marw-wystl, n. a mortgage

Marwydos, n. embers

Marwysgafn, n. death-bed song

Marwysgar, n. a death parting

Mas, n. a swoon; ecstacy

Masaidd, a. tending to faint

Masarn, n. the sycamore

Masarnen, n. a sycamore

Masawd, n. a swooning, a fainting

Masg, n. a mesh, a net-work, lattice

Masgiad, n. a reticulation, netting

Masgl, n. a mesh; a pod

Masgliad, n. a reticulating; podding

Masglog, a. reticulated; podded

Masglu, v. to reticulate; to pod

Masgnach, n. concern, business, trade

Masgnachu, v. to do business, to trade

Masgnachwr, n. a tradesman, a dealer, a chapman

Masgol, a. reticulated, meshed

Masgu, v. to reticutate, to lattice

Masu, v. to swoon, to faint

Masw, a. fluttering; wanton; soft; languishing

Maswedd, n. languor: levity, wantonness

Masweddiad, n. a wantoning

Masweddu, v. to languish; to wanton

Maswy, a. wanton, sportive, light

Mat, n. a mat, plaited work

Mater, n. exigency, matter

Matog, n. a mattock, a hoe

Matras, n. a mattress; a matting

Matrasu, v. to form a mattress

Mâth, n. what is flat or spread

Math, n. a sort, a kind

Mathr, n. a strew, a spread

Mathrach, Mathriad, n. a trampling down

Mathru, v. to trample down

Mau, n. what is owned by one’s-self: pron. my, my own

Maw, n. what expands

Maw, a. expanding; indulge

Mawaid, n. both hands full

Mawd, n. what is expanding

Mawl, n. worship, praise

Mawlâd, n. a praising

Mawlâu, v. to praise, to extol

Mawn, n. peat, turf

Mawn-bwll, n. a peat-pit

Mawn-dir, n. peat-land

Mawnen, n. a peat, a turf

Mawnog, n. peat-pit: a. having peat

Mawr, a. great, large, big

Mawrâd, n. a magnifying

Mawrair, n. a boasting word

Mawrâu, v. to magnify, to enlarge

Mawrdeg, a. magnificent, grand

Mawrdra, n. greatness

Mawrdda, n. great good

Mawrddrwg, n. great evil

Mawredig, a. magnified, exalted

Mawredd, n. greatness, grandeur

Mawreddiad, n. a magnifying

Mawreddog, a. magnificent

Mawreddu, v. to magnify, to exalt

Mawreddus, adj. magnificent, grand

Mawrfaith, a. far-extending

Mawrfalch, a. greatly proud

Mawrfryd, magnanimity

Mawrfrydig, a magnanimous

Mawrfrydu, v. to grow magnanimous

Mawrfrydus, a. magnanimous

Mawriad, n. an enlarging

Mawrio, v. to magnify, to enlarge

Mawrth, n. Mars; March

Mawrwerth, n. preciousness

Mawrydi, Mawrhydi, n. majesty

Mawrydig, a. majestic, grand

Mawrygol, a. magnificent

Mawrygiad, n. a magnifying

Mawrygu, v. to magnify

Mawrygwr, n. a magnifier

Maws, n. delight, melody

Maws, a. pleasant, grateful

Mawsedd, n. delectableness