Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/237

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Meddylfryd, n. affection

Meddylgar, a. mindful, musing

Meddyliad, n. a thinking

Meddylio, v. to mind, to think

Meflâu, v. to pollute; to disgrace

Meflfethiant, n. a disgraceful defect

Mefliad, n. a polluting; a disgracing

Meflu, v. to pollute; to disgrace

Mefus, n. strawberries

Mefusen, n. a strawberry

Meg, n. utterance, expression

Megai, n. the glow worm

Megiad, n. utterance, expression

Megidydd, n. one who nourishes

Megin, n. a pair of bellows

Megino, v. to work bellows

Megys, conj. as, so as, like as

Mehefin, n. the month of June

Mehin, n. fat, fat flesh, grease

Mehinen, n. the leaf of fat

Mehino, v. to become greasy

Mehinog, a. having grease

Meia, v. to take the field

Meiad, n. a taking the field

Meibionain, Meibionos, n. little children

Meichiad, n. a becoming surety, a becoming bail

Meichio, v. to bail, to be bail

Meichiog, a. having surety

Meidr, n. a measure, a rule

Meio, v. to make a campaign

Meidradydd, n. a metre

Meidraeth, measurement

Meidriad, n. one who is able to effect or to accomplish

Meidro, v. to limit: to mete

Meidrol, a. limitable, comprehending

Meidroldeb, n. comprehensiveness, capacity

Meidroli, v. to bring within measure

Meidwy, n. a solitary one, a hermit

Meidwyfod, n. a hermitage

Meidyn, n. a point; a moment

Meiddiad, n. a curdling

Meiddion, n. curds and whey

Meiddioni, v. to turn to curds

Meiddlyd, a. wheyey, curdled

Meiddlyn, n. whey drink

Meiddog, a. abounding with whey

Meifon, n. raspberries

Meigen, n. a recess, a nook

Meigiad, n. a turning suddenly; a happening

Meigrad, n. a starting suddenly

Meigro, v. to startle, to start

Meigryn, n. a startle; a vertigo

Meiliad, n. a lading with a bowl

Meiliaid, n. a bowlful

Meiliannu, v. to uphold

Meiliant, n. an upholding

Meilierydd, n. the skylark

Meilio, v. to hold up; to put in a bowl; to raise with a bowl

Meiliorn, n. transgression

Meiliorni, v. to transgress

Meilon, n. powder, flour

Meiloni, v. to reduce to powder

Meilwn, n. the small of the leg

Meilyn, n. a loop, an eye

Meilyndorch, n. a sashoon

Meillion, n. clover, trefoil

Meillionen, n. a trefoil

Meillioni, v. to yield trefoil

Meillionog, a. having trefoils

Meinâd, n. a making fine

Meinâu, v. to make fine or slender

Meincio, v. to fix benches

Meinder, n. exility, fineness

Meindwf, a. of slender growth

Mein-gan, n. a delicate fair one

Meinin, a. of stone, stony

Meinir, n. one of delicate growth

Meinoles, n. a delicate thing

Meinwar, a. delicate and gentle

Meinwedd, n. a delicate aspect

Meinwen, n. one delicately fair

Meinwyr, a. delicately chaste

Meinyn, n. a lump of stone

Meipen, n. a turnip

Meiriol, a. dissolving, thawing

Meiriolad, n. a thawing

Meirioli, v. to dissolve, to thaw

Meirion, n. a tender; a dairy man

Meiriones, n. a dairymaid