Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/243

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Morhesg, n. the sea sedge

Morhocys, n. mashmallows

Morhwch, n. a grampus

Moriad, n. a going by sea

Mono, v. to live at sea; to sail

Morionen, n. emmet, ant

Moriwr, n. seaman, sailor

Morladrad, n. a piracy

Morlan, n. a sea brink, a beach

Morlas, n. a sea-green colour

Morleidr, n. a pirate

Morlo, n. a sea calf, a seal

Morlwch, n. a sea spray

Morlwyau, n. scurvy grass

Morlyffant, n. the frog fish

Morlysŵen, n. a conger eel

Morneidr, n. a sea snake

Mordnodwydd, n. needlefish

Moron, n. plants with tapering roots; carrots

Moronyn, n. a carrot

Mortais, n. a mortise

Morwennol, n. a sea swallow

Morwerydd, n. the seashore

Morwiail, n. grass wreck

Morwiber, n. the aquatic viper

Morwriaeth, n. seamanship

Morwyf, n. a bubble

Morwyn, n. a maid, a damsel

Morwynaidd, a maidenly

Morwyndod, n. virginity

Morwynig, n. a little maid

Morwynol, a. of a virgin

Morwys, n. bubbles, bubbling

Morwysiad, n. a bubbling

Mory, n. morrow, to-morrow

Moryd, n. inlet of sea water

Morymdaith, n. sea voyage

Mu, n. bulk, a mass; a muid

Much, n. sable, gloom

Muchiad, n. a growing sable

Muchudd, n. a jet black; jet

Mud, n. a remove; a mew; a making motion; mute

Mudadwy, a. moveable

Mudai, n. remover, mover

Mudan, n. a mute, a dumb one

Mudanaeth, n. a mute state

Mudanes, n. a female mute

Mudfa, n. a removal

Mudiad, n. a removing

Mudliw, n. motely colour

Mudo, v. to remove

Mudol, a. moving, moveable

Mudsain, n. a mute letter

Mudw, n. what is on the move

Mudwg, n. state of removing

Mul, n. an ass, a mule: a. bashful, modest, simple

Muldra, n. bashfulness

Mules, n. a she ass

Mulfran, n. a cormorant

Mulyn, n. a little ass

Mun, n. what forms; a hand

Munaid, n. a handful

Muned, n. epithet for a hand

Muneidio, v. to give handfuls

Munud, n. a gesture; a nod

Munudiad, n. a making gestures

Munudio, v. to make gestures

Mur, n. what is firm; a wall: a. firm, fixed, established

Murdd, n. a foundation

Murddyn, n. shell of a building

Mugraid, n. a mighty spirit

Murio, v. to fix; to wail

Muriwr, n. wall-builder; maker of walls

Murlysiau, n. pelitory of the wall

Murnio, v. to hinder, to harm

Murniol, a. annoying, harming

Mursen, n. a coquette; a prude

Mursendod, n. coquetry

Mursenu, v. to act the coquette

Mursyn, n. a coxcomb, a fop

Musgrell, a. hobbling, halting

Musgrellni, n. helplessness

Mw, n. what is upon or about

Mwci, n. a fog; a sprite

Mwch, a. hasty, quick, swift

Mwd, n. an arch, a cieling

Mwdran, n. washbrew; gruel

Mwdwl, n. a stack; a cock

Mwdd, n. an arch, a vault

Mwg, n. smoke, fume

Mwgwd, n. a blind, a mask