Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/245

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Mychol, a. of rapid motion

Mychiad, n. a swineherd

Myd, n. aptitude, fluency

Mydaidd, a. like an arch, arched

Mydedd, n. archedness

Mydiad, n. cameration

Mydr, n. metre, verse

Mydraeth, n. versification

Mydriad, n. a versifiying

Mydrwr, n. a versifier

Mydryddiaeth, n. versification

Mydryddu, v. to versify

Mydu, v. to arch, to vault

Mydum, n. gesture; mimicry

Mydw, n. aptitude; fluency

Mydwal, a. apt to proceed

Mydwaledd, n. fluent speech

Mydyliad, n. a stacking

Mydylu, v. to stack, to cock

Myddi, n. a hogshead

Myfi, pron, myself, I, me

Myfiaeth, n. egotism

Myfio, v. to egotise

Myfyr, n. muse, study: a. musing, pensive

Myfyrbwyll, a. of musing mind

Myfyrdod, n. contemplation

Myfyrdodol, a. contemplative

Myfyriadol, a. contemplative

Myfyrio, v. to contemplate

Myfyriol, a. contemplative

Myfyriwr, n. a contemplator, a speculator

Myg, n. solemnity, sanctitude

Mygawd, n. suffocation

Mygdarth, n. vapour, fog

Mygdarthu, v. to burn incense

Myged, n. respect, reverence: a. respected, solemn

Mygedorth, n. a funeral pile

Mygfa, n. a suffocation

Mygfaen, n. brimstone

Mygiad, n. a smoking

Myglyd, a. apt to smoke

Mygodarth, n. exhalation

Mygodfa, n. an asthma

Mygodorth, n. a flatulency

Mygol, a. fumous, smoking

Mygu, v. to smoke; to stifle

Mygyr, a. majestic, glorious

Myngog, a. having a mane

Myngen, n. the crest of a horse; a mane

Myngial, n. guttural speaking

Myngialu, v. to speak gutturally

Myharan, n. tup, a ram

Myhefin, n. month of June

Myldardd, n. what is in grains

Mylliad, n. a growing saltry

Myllu, v. grow sultry

Myllynen, n. a violet

Mym, n. what is incipient

Mympwy, n. opinion; humour

Mympwyaeth, n. opiniation

Mympwyo, to opine

Mympwyol, a. opinionative

Mymryn, n. an atom

Myn, n. will, desire, mind, n. a kid, a young goat: prep. by the will of, by

Mynach, n. a monk; a post

Mynachaeth, n. monachism

Mynachol, a. monachal, monkish

Mynaches, n. a recluse, a nun

Mynachlog, n. monastery

Mynad, n. a volition, a will

Mynag, n. a report, a recital

Mynan, n. a young kid

Mynas, n. a menace, a threat

Mynawyd, n. an awl

Mynci, n. hame, part of horse collar

Mynechdid, n. a monastery

Myned, v. to set out, to go

Mynedfa, n. a departure

Mynediad, n. a going, departing

Mynedwy, n. running water

Mynegadwy, a. expressible

Mynegai, n. what indicates, an index

Mynegfa, n. a catalogue

Mynegfys, n. a fore finger

Mynegi, v. to express, to relate

Mynegiad, n. a declaration

Mynegiadol, a. declaratory

Mynegiaeth, n. a recital

Mynegiant, n. declaration