Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/260

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Penteulu, n. head of a family

Pentewyn, n. a firebrand

Penteyrnedd, n. chief of princes

Pentir, n. a headland; a land steward

Pentref, n. a village

Pentrefaeth, n. a villagery

Pentwr, n. a raised heap

Penty, n. a penthouse, a shed

Pentyriad, n. accumulation

Pentyru, v. to heap, to amass

Pentywysog, n. supreme prince

Penu, to predominate, to specify

Penwag, a. empty headed: n. a herring

Penwan, a. weak-headed

Penwendid, n. weakness of head

Penwisg, n. a head dress

Penwn, n. a banner, a standard

Penwyn, Penwen, a. white headed: n. bald buzzarb

Penwyni, n. whiteness of head

Penyd, n. atonement, penance

Penydiad, n. a doing penance

Penydiol, a. atoning, expiatory

Penygen, n. a paunch, a gut

Penynad, n. a chief-justice

Penysgafn, a. light-headed

Pepra, v. to keep chattering

Pepraeth, n. chattering, babbling

Pepru, v. to chatter, to prate

Pêr, n. what pervades; sweet fruit: a. delicious, sweet, luscious

Peran, n. a pear

Perarogl, n. a perfume, aroma

Perarogledd, n. perfumery

Perarogli, v. to perfume

Peraroglus, a. odorus, fragrant

Perâu, v. to become delicious

Perc, a. compact, trim: n. a perch

Perced, n. a wrapper; a bow net

Percell, n. a store, a magazine

Percu, v. to trim, to smarten

Percus, a. trim, smart

Perchell, n. a little pig

Perchen, Perchenog, n. a possessor, an owner

Perchenogaeth, n. ownership

Perchenogi, v. to possess, to own

Perchi, v. to respect, to revere

Perdra, n. deliciousness, sweetness

Pereiddio, v. to dulcify

Pererin, n. a pilgrim

Pererindod, n. pilgrimage

Perereinio, v. to peregrinate

Perfagl, n. the herb periwinkle

Perfedd, n. centre; entrails

Perffaith, a. perfect, complete

Perffeithrwydd, n. perfection

Perffeithiad, n. a perfecting

Perffeithio, v. to perfect

Perging, n. a screen, a settle: a. skreening, sheltering

Peri, n. a causation, a cause: v. to cause; to bid

Periad, n. a causing; a bidding

Periagur, n. a causer, a cause

Periant, n. a causation

Perig, a. extreme; perilous

Periglo, v. to make extreme; to give extreme unction

Periglor, n. a curate, a priest

Perlais, n. a melodious voice

Perloes, n. rapture, ecstacy

Perlysiau, n. aromatic herbs; grocery

Perllan, n. an orchard. Coch y berllan, a redstart

Perllys, n. sweet herbs; parsley

Peron, n. a cause; the Lord

Peror, n. melodist, musician

Peroriad, n. a producing of melody; a playing of music

Peroriaeth, n. melody; idle talk

Perioriaethu, v. to make a melody

Peroriant, n. practice of music

Perorio, to practise music

Persain, n. euphony

Pert, a. smart, spruce, pert

Pertedd, n. smartness, pertness

Perten, n. a smart little girl

Pertu, v. to smarten, to trim

Pertyn, n. a smart little fellow

Perth, n. a thorn bush; a brake

Perthen, n. a thorn bush

Perthyn, n. what is appropriate: