Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/268

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Prysu, v. to form a covert or resort

Prysur, a. busy, diligent; serious

Prysurdeb, n. assiduity; haste

Prysuriad, n. a hastening on

Prysuro, v. to make haste

Prysurwch, n. state of haste

Puch, n. sigh; grunt

Pucho, v. to sigh; to pant; to long

Pud, n. what tends to allure

Pul, n. what tends to straiten

Pum, n. tendency to form: a. five

Pumbys, a. five-fingered

Pumcanfed, a. five hundredth

Pumcanmil, a. five hundred thousand

Pumcant, a. five hundred

Pumdalen, n. a cinquefold

Pumdeg, a. fifty

Pummil, a. five thousand

Pumnalen, n. a cinquefold

Pumochor, n. a pentagon

Pump, a. five

Pumplyg, a quintuple

Pumsill, a. of five syllables

Pumtant, n. a pentachord

Pumtro, a. five times or turns

Pumwaith, adv. five times

Pun, n. what is equal or even: a. equal, equivalent

Punt, n. pound, twenty shillings

Pur, n. what is pure: a. pure: adv. essentially; very

Purad, n. a depurgation

Purdan, n. a purgatory

Purdeb, n. purity; sincerity

Puredigaeth, n. purification

Puredigol, a. purefactory

Puredd, n. purity, pureness

Pureiddio, v. to render pure

Puren, n. a sifting screen

Puriad, n. a purifying

Puriannol, a. purificative

Puriannu, v. to purify

Puriant, n. a purifying

Purion, adv. purely; very we

Purlan, a. purely clean

Puro, v. to purify, to cleanse

Purol, a. purifying, cleansing

Puten, n. a whore, a harlot

Puteindra, n. whoredom

Puteindy, n. bawdy house

Puteinig, a. whorish, adulterous

Puteinio, v. to go a whoring

Puteiniol, a. meretricious

Puteiniwr, n. a whoremonger

Pw, n. a tendency to put off

Pwca, n. a hobgoblin, a fiend

Pwci, n. a hobgoblin, a goblin

Pwd, n. a rot; a rot in sheep

Pwdr, a. rotten, corrupt

Pwff, n. a puff, a sharp blast

Pwfflo, v. to come in puffs

Pwg, n. what pushes or swells out

Pwng, n. a cluster, a crop

Pwngiad, n. a teeming

Pwngo, v. to teem; to cluster

Pwngol, a. teeming; clustering

Pwl, a. blunt, obtuse; dull

Pwll, n. a pool; a puddle

Pwm, n. tendency to swell out

Pwmp, n. a round mass, a lump

Pwmpio, v. to thurap, to bang, v. to boss, to knob

Pwmplog, a. bossed knobbed

Pwn, n. a pack; burden

Pwnc, n. point, subject

Pwniad, n. a burdening

Pwnio, v. to burden; to bang

Pwnt, n. aggregate; a reservoir

Pwr, n. what extends; a worm

Pwsach, n. a loud outcry

Pwt, n. any short thing

Pwtan, n. a squat female

Pwtiad, n. a butting, a poking

Pwtian, v. to keep poking

Pwtro, v. to push, to poke

Pwtwn, n. a liquor; whiskey

Pwtyn, n. a short round body

Pwy, n. a beat; a butt: adv. in advanced position: pron. who

Pwyad, n. a beating, a battering

Pwyo, v. to beat, to batter

Pwybynag, pron. whosoever

Pwyll, n. impulse; reason, sense, discretion. Gan bwyll,gently