Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/270

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Pysgol, a. piscatory, of fish

Pysgota, v. to fish, to angle

Pysgydd, n. an ichthyologist

Pysgyddiaeth, n. ichthyology

Pystylad, n. restless motion

Pystyled, v. to be agog; to caper

Pystylwyn, n. a saddle crupper

Pyth, n. a period; a world: adv. ever, never

Pythefnos, n. a fortnight

Pythol, a. ever, eternal

Python, n. system of the world

Pythori, v. to be anxious

Pyw, n. a member, a limb: a. in order; complete

Rha, n. what forces; ertness; Rhaol, n. a forcing; impulse

Rhab, n. force; control

Rhabu, v. to control, to check

Rhac, n. what is opposite; a wrest; a spine; prep. before, from; for

Rhaca, n. a spectacle, a show

Rhacai, Rhacan, n. a rake

Rhacanad, n. a raking

Rhacanu, v. to rake

Rhaciant, n. advancement

Rhacio, v. to come forward

Rhaco, adv. yonder, there

Rhach, n. what is forced out

Rhad, n. grace, favour

Rhad, a. free, gratis; cheap

Rhadfawr, a. gracious; virtuous

Rhadferth, a. beneficent

Rhadferthwch, n. beneficence

Rhadforedd, n. graciousness

Rhadlon, a. gracious, kind

Rhadlonaeth, Rhadlondeb, n. graciousness

Rhadloni, v. to be gracious

Rhadrodd, n. free gift

Rhadu, v. to render free

Rhadwehyn, a. grace diffusing

Rhadd, n. advance, going on

Rhae, n. constraint; battle

Rhael, n. bent, inclination

Rhaf, n. a spread, a diffusion

Rhafnwydd, n. buckthorns

Rhafol, n. service tree berries

Rhafon, n. berries growing in clusters; service tree berries

Rhafu, v. to spread, to diffuse

Rhaff, n. a rope, a cord

Rhaffan, n. a rope

Rhaffio, v. to rope, to make a rope

Rhag, n. a front, a van; an entrance: prep. before, against; from

Rhagachub, v. to get foremost

Rhagadail, n. an out-building

Rhagadrodd, n. a preface

Rhagaddasu, v. to fit before hand

Rhagaddewid, n. a previous promise

Rhagaddfed, a. precocious

Rhagafael, n. previous hold

Rhagagori, v. to open before

Rhagagweddu, v. to perform

Rhagangen, n. prior necessity

Rhagair, n. a leading word

Rhagalw, v. to call beforehand

Rhagamcan, n. a prenotion

Rhagammheu, v. to doubt before hand

Rhagammod, n. previous agreement

Rhagamnaid, n. previous signal

Rhagamser, n. previous time

Rhaganfon, v. to send before

Rhagansawdd, n. prior quality

Rhagaraeth, n. prolegamena

Rhagarawd, n. exordium

Rhagarchwaeth, n. foretaste

Rhagarfaeth, n. predestination

Rhagarfaethu, v. to predestinate, to predispose

Rhagarfog, a. forearmed

Rhagarganfod, v. to foresee

Rhagargoel, n. a foretoken

Rhagarian, n. earnest money