Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/278

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Rhwbio, v. to rub, to chafe

Rhwch, n. what is rough; a grunt

Rhwchiad, n. a grunting

Rhwchial, n. a shrill grunting

Rhwchiala, v. to grunt

Rhwchiawl, a. grunting

Rhwchws, n. a ray, a skate

Rhwd, n. sediment; smut; rust

Rhwdog, a. covered with rust

Rhwf, n. what swells or puffs out

Rhwg, n. what projects; a ruff

Rhwgn, n. a rub, a friction

Rhwng, n. an intermediacy

Rhwmp, n. a borer, an anger

Rhwn, what covers over

Rhwnc, n. snore; rattle

Rhwnciad, n. a rattling, guggling

Rhwncian, v. to rattle, to guggle

Rhwnen, n. a single pear

Rhwnsi, n. a rough coated horse

Rhwnt, n. what covers over

Rhwnyn, n. pears

Rhws, n. cultivated region

Rhwtio, v. to corrode; to fret

Rhwtion, n. dregs

Rhwtioni, v. to produce dregs

Rhwtws, n. broken parts; dregs

Rhwth, a. wide, gaping, yawing

Rhwy, n. excess, superfluity

Rhywol, a. excessive superfluity

Rhwych, n. whaf extends

Rhwyd, n. a net, a snare

Rhwyden, n. a small net; a caul

Rhwydiad, n. a reticulation

Rhwydo, v. to net, to ensnare

Rhwydog, a. reticulated, netted

Rhwydd, a. free, easy, tolerable

Rhwyddâd, n. a making easy

Rhwyddâu, v. to facilitate

Rhwydd-deb, n. facility; success

Rhwyddineb, n. easy, free state

Rhwyddoli, v. to facilitate

Rhwyddyni, v. to facilitate

Rhwyf, n. what impels; ambition; a ruler; an oar

Rhwyfadain, n. a directing fin

Rhwyfadur, n. a swayer

Rhwyfain, v. to be swaying

Rhwyfan, n. impulse; sway: v. to sway; to lead

Rhwyfaniad, n. domination

Rhwyfanu, v. to dominate

Rhwyfanus, a. imperious

Rhwyfiad, n. a swaying; a rowing

Rhwyfiant, n. domination

Rhwyfo, v. to sway; to row

Rhwyfol, a. swaying; rowing

Rhwyfolaeth, n. dictatorship

Rhwyfoldeb, n. a state of sway

Rhwyfus, apt to sway; haughty

Rhwyg, n. a rent, a rupture

Rhwygo, v. to rend, to tear

Rhwygol, a. rending tearing

Rhwyll, n. a ring-fence; a paddock: n. an interstice, fret work; a casement

Rhwyllo, v. to form insterstices

Rhwyllog, a. fretted; cross-barred; grated

Rhwym, n. a bond, a tie: a. bound, tied, fastened

Rhwymedigaeth, n. restriction

Rhwymedigol, a. restrictive

Rhwymtdd, n. restraint; bondage

Rhwymiad, n. a binding, a tying

Rhwymiant, n. restriction

Rhwymo, v. to bind, to tie

Rhwymyn, n. a band: a swathe

Rhwymynu, v. to swaddle

Rhwyn, n. a wind, a twist

Rhwyno, v. to bind, to tie

Rhwyoli, v. to render excessive

Rhwys, n. vigour; wantonness; luxurance

Rhwysedd, n. vigourousness

Rhwysg, n. a carreer; sway

Rhwysglo, v. to run headlong

Rhwysglyd, a. froward, restive

Rhwysgol, a. swaying; risking

Rhwysiad, n. invigoration

Rhwysog, a. vigorous, luxuriant

Rhwysol, a. invigorating

Rhwysogi, v. to luxuriate

Rhwysoldeb, n. vigour

Rhwysoli, v. to invigorate

Rhwystr, n. hinderance; let