Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/281

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Sachaid, n. sackful, bagful

Sachell, n. a small sack, a bag

Sachellu, v. to bag; to stuff

Sachliain, n. sackcloth

Sachu, v. to put in a sack

Sad, a. firm, steady; discreet

Sadell, n. a dorser, a packsaddle

Sadellu, v. to put on a dorser

Sadio, v. to make firm

Sadrwydd, n. firmness, steadiness

Sadwrn, n. Saturn. Dydd Sadwrn, Saturday

Saer, n. a wright, an artisan

Saeriad, n. a working as a wright

Saeriant, n. architecture

Saeri, n. a wright’s work

Saerniaeth, n. architecture

Saernïaidd, a. workmanlike

Saernïo, v. to work as a wright

Saernïol, a. architectural

Saerol, mechanical, of a wright

Saeru, v. to work as a wright

Saeth, n. an arrow, a dart

Saethflew, n. coarse hairs in fur

Saethiad, n. a shooting; ejection

Saethol, a. shooting; ejecting

Saethu, v. to shoot; to dart

Saethydd, n. shooter, archer

Saethyddiaeth, n. archery

Saf, n. a fixed state; a stand

Safadwy, a. able to stand, durable

Safaeth, n. the act of standing

Safedig, a. established, fixed

Safedigol, a. having power to stand

Safedd, n. fixed state, stationariness

Safiad, n. a standing; stature

Safiadol, a. stationary

Safle, n. a standing place, a stand

Safn, n. a jaw, a chop

Safnaid, n. a chopful

Safnol, a. relating to the jaw

Safniad, n. a jawing, a mouthing

Safnrwth, a. open jawed

Safol, a. standing, stationary

Safwyr, n. savour, odour

Saffr, Saffrwm, or Saffrwn, n. saffron, crocus

Saffwn, n. a beam, a shaft

Saffwy, n. a pike, a lance

Saffwyo, v. to use a pike

Sag, n. a squeeze of the chops

Sagied, v. to squeeze in the chops; to stifle

Sang, n. a tread; a tramble

Sangedigaeth, n. act of treading

Sangu, v. to tread; to tramble

Sai, n. what is still or at rest

Saib, n. leisure; sedateness; quiet; sedate; studious

Said, n. a haft: the part inserted in the hilt

Saig, n. a mess, a meal

Sail, n. a base, a foundation

Saim, n. grease

Sain, n. a sound, a tone

Saith, a. seven

Sal, n. a pass; a plight; a cast off; frail; poor; ill

Salaidd, a. somewhat frail or ill

Salâu, v. to grow frail or ill

Saldra, n. frailty; poorness; illness

Salw, a. despicable, vile, sorry; ugly

Salwâu, v. to grow despicable

Salwder, n. frailty; vileness

Salwineb, n. contemptibleness

Sallt, n. an exterior state

Salltiad, n. a going out; a sallying

Salltring, n. snuffers

San, n. a maze: a. wary

Sanedigaeth, n. amazement

Sant, n. a saint

Santaidd, a. holy

Santeiddiad, n. sanctification

Santeiddio, v. to sanctify

Santeiddiol, a. sanctified

Santeiddrwydd, n. holiness

Santes, n. a female saint

Santolaeth, n. sanctitude

Sanu, v. to gaze, to amaze

Sar, n. rage; insult, offence

Sarâd, n. an insulting

Saraol, a. insulting, abusive

Sarâed, n. affront, reproach

Sarâu, v. to insult, to affront