Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/289

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Tafelliad, n. a slicing

Tafellu, v. to spread; to slice

Taflan, n. a balance, scales

Taflawd, n. a roof; a loft

Tafledigaeth, n. act of throwing

Tafledydd, n. thrower

Taflen, n. tablet

Taflenu, v. to tabulate

Taflodi, v. to interject, to cast

Taflodiad, n. an interjection

Taflodol, a. interjective

Taflrwyd, n. a casting-net

Taflu, v. to throw, to fling

Tafod, n. a tongue; a clapper

Tafodi, v. to tongue; to scold

Tafodiaith, n. action of the tongue

Tafodleferydd, n. a saying by rote

Tafodrwym, a. tongue-tied

Tafodrydd, a. loose-tongue

Tafol, n. the dock plant

Tafolen, n. dock, dock leaf

Tafu, v. to overspread, to spread

Tâg, n. clogged state; a strangle

Tagell, n. barb; a double chin; dew-lap; a wattle

Tagellog, a. having a double chin; having wattles

Tagellu, v. to form a double chin

Tagfa, n. a choking, a strangling

Tagfagl, n. a springe, a gin

Tagiad, n. a choking, a stifling

Tagu, v. to choke, to strangle

Tangnefedd, n. tranquillity

Tangnefeddu, v. to tranquillise

Tangnefeddus, tranquil, peaceful

Tangwystl, n. pledge of peace

Taid, n. grandfather

Tail, n. soil; manure; muck

Taioges, n. a rustic female

Taiogi, v. to become rustic

Taiogol, a. relating to a vassal

Taiogrwydd, n. boorishness

Taiogyn, n. a rude fellow

Tair, a. three

Tairth, n. ague fit

Taith, n. journey

Tâl, n. payment; a reward

Tal, n. front; a forehead; high, tall

Taladwy, a. payable, due

Talaeth, n. a frontier; a dependent territory

Talaith, n. frontlet; diadem

Talar, n. head-land in a field

Talben, n. standard value

Talcen, n. front, a forehead

Talch, n. fragment; grist

Talchu, v. to break in pieces

Taldra, n. tallness, loftiness

Talddrws, n. front door

Taledigaeth, n. remuneration, payment

Taledigol, a. remunerative

Taleithig, n. a fillet, a bandlet

Taleithiog, a. wearing a diadem

Talfa, n. pediment

Talfainc, n. a front form; a throne

Talfoel, a. bald-fronted

Talfyr, a. short-fronted, brief

Talfyredigaeth, n. an abbreviation, an abridgement

Talfyru, v. to fore-shorten, to abridge

Talgainc, n. brow-antler

Talgell, n. pantry, buttery

Talgrib, n. front-board of a spinning wheel

Talgrwn, a. precipitate; inflective

Talgrych, a. rough fronted

Talgryf, a. hard fronted, brazen

Talgrynu, v. to inflect

Taliad, n. a paying; a payment

Talm, n. impression; space; while; range; small quantity

Talmu, v. to be abrupt; to impress

Talp, n. a mass, a lump, a piece

Talpen, n. a knoll, a knob

Talpentan, n. a fire-back

Talpio, v. to form lumps

Talpiog, a. in lumps, lumpy

Talu, v. to pay; to requite

Talwisg, n. a head-dress

Talwrn, n. what projects

Tall, n. a spreading out or over

Tam, Tamaid, n. morsel; a bite