Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/311

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Y, the (preceding consonants)

Yb, n. a state of being over, up, or out

Ybain, v. to make a howling

Ych, n. an ox: v. you are

Ychwaith, conj. neither, not so

Ychwaneg, a. more: adv. more

Ychwanegiad, n. an augmenting

Ychwanegol, a. augmentative

Ychwanegu, v. to augment

Ychwarddu, v. to cause laughter

Ychwerig, a. playful

Ychydig, n. a little, a few: a. little: adv. little

Ychydigyn, n. a very little

Yd, n. what is; being; corn: adv. it; that; doth; that it

Ydbys, n. vetches, chit-peas

Yden, n. a grain of corn

Ydfaes, n. a corn-field

Ydfran, n. a rook, a crow

Ydfwyd, n. corn food

Ydgeirch, n. wild oats

Ydgist, n. a corn bin

Ydgordd, n. a corn yard

Ydi, v. it is he is, she is, is it, is he, is she

Ydig, n. cockle

Ydlan, n. a corn-yard

Ydoedd, n. was

Ydog, a. abounding with corn

Ydwal, n. a corn garner

Ydwyf, v. am, I am, am I

Ydych, v. you are; are you

Ydym, Ym, v. we are, are we

Ydynt, v. they are; are they

Ydyg, n. the calendar

Ydyw, v. is, it is, he is, she is

Ydd, a. the

Yf, n. a liquid, moisture

Yfadwy, a. drinkable

Yfed, n. a drinking; a tippling: v. to drink; to tipple

Yfedgar, a. given to tippling, sottish

Yfgar, a. fond of drinking

Yffiad, n. a drinking; an imbibing

Yfol, a. drinking; imbibing

Yfory, n. and adv. to morrow

Yff, n. tendency out or from

Yfflaw, to break; to shiver

Yfflon, shatters, shivers, pieces

Yg, n. an open or void state

Yng, n. what is close upon; a bare touch; a slight hint

Yngan, v. to intimate

Ynghyd, adv. in contact, together

Ynghylch, adv. about, round

Yl, n. what pervades or moves

Yleni, n. and adv. this year

Yll, n. what tends to part

Ylliad, n. a ripping, a dividing

Yllt, n. a rip, a rent, a parting

Yllynedd, n. and adv. last year

Yllyr, n. a mole, a wart

Ym, pref. reflects the action expressed by the word to which it is prefixed, on the actor; as LLOSGI, to burn; YMLOSGI, to burn one’s self; CYFIAWNAD, justification; YMGYFIAWNAD, self-justification. It also denotes reciprocity of action; as CYDIO, to take hold of; YMGYDIO, to take hold of each other. For the meaning of terms with this prefix, not inserted here, see the words from which they are formed: pron. my, me

Yma, adv. here, in this place

Ymachub, v. to save one’s self

Ymadael, v. to forsake

Ymadferth, n. self-exertion

Ymadnabod, n. self-knowledge

Ymadnewyddu, v. to renovate one’s self

Ymado, v. to forsake, to quit

Ymadrodd, n. discourse

Ymaddroddi, v. to speak, to talk

Ymadroddwr, n. a speaker