Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/316

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Ymysgwyd, v. to shake one’s self

Yn, n. state of being in: prep. in, at, into; for

Yna, adv. there, in that place; then; there now, lo!

Ynad, n. a judge, a justice

Ynadaeth, n. the office of a judge

Ynfer, n. an influx

Ynfyd, n. what is mad or silly: a. furious, mad; foolish

Ynfydrwydd, n. foolishness

Ynfydu, v. to rave; to be mad

Ynnill, n. advantage, gain: v. to gain, to win

Ynnilliad, n. a gaining

Yno, adv there, then

Ynt, v. are, they are

Yntau, pron. him also, he too

Ynte, adv. otherwise then

Ynyd, n. incipience; shrovetide

Ynys, n. an island, an isle

Yr, n. what is opposite or off: a. the (before vowels)

Ys, n. ardency; a consuming: v. is, hath a being, exists. Er ys dyddiau, a good while

Ysbagiad, n. a clawing

Ysbagu, v. to claw, to clutch

Ysbryd, n. a spirit, a ghost

Ysbryrdiaeth, n. spirituality

Ysbrydol, a. spiritual, ghostly

Ysbrydoldeb, n. spiritualness

Ysbrydoli, v. to spiritualise

Ysbrydoliaeth, n. inspiration

Ysbytty, n. an hospital

Ysdillio, v. to plait, to fold

Ysdori, n. history, story

Ysdorïad, n. a telling a story

Ysdorïo, v. to tell a story

Ysdwriad, n. a threatening

Ysdwrio, v. to chide; to threat

Ysdyferiad, n. distillation

Ysdyferu, v. to distil, to drop

Ysdyfnig, a. obstinate, stubborn

Ysdyfnigrwydd, n. stubbornness

Ysenyd, n. a space, a while

Ysfa, n. a consumed spot; an itching; a sheep walk

Ysgadan, n. herrings/p>

Ysgadenyn, n. a herring

Ysgaen, n. a sprinkling

Ysgaeniad, n. a sprinkling

Ysgaenu, v. to sprinkle

Ysgafael, n. capture, prey

Ysgafn, n. light body; stack

Ysgafnder, n. lightness

Ysgafnâd, n. a lightening

Ysgafnâu, v. to lighten

Ysgafniad, n. a making light

Ysgafnu, v. to make light

Ysgaffell, n. ledge, rim, brow

Ysgaffellu, v. to form a ledge

Ysgaid, n. a sprinkling

Ysgainc, n. a branch; a skain

Ysgall, n. the thistle

Ysgallog, a. full of thistles

Ysgar, n. a share; a divorce: v. to part, to cast off. Llythyr ysgar, a bill of divorce

Ysgarant, n. an adversary

Ysgaredig, a. separated, parted

Ysgaredigaeth, n. separation

Ysgariad, n. a separating

Ysgariaeth, n. separation

Ysgario, v. to separate, to divorce

Ysgarlad, a. scarlet

Ysgarm, n. an outcry

Ysgarmes, n. a shouting

Ysgarth, n. an offscouring

Ysgarthiad, n. excretion

Ysgarthu, v. to purge out

Ysgatfydd, adv. perhaps, peradventure

Ysgaw, n. elder wood

Ysgawen, n. an elder tree

Ysgawn, n. light body: a. light

Ysgecriad, n. a bickering

Ysgecru, v. to bicker, to brawl

Ysgeler, a. atrocious

Ysgelerdra, n. atrociousness

Ysgentyn, n. a caperer, a buffoon

Ysgerbwd, n. skeleton, a carcass

Ysgeth, n. a spear, a lance

Ysgethriad, n. an iterating

Ysgethrg, v. to iterate, to repeat

Ysgi, n. a cutting off; a parer; a hat