Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/43

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Baglu, v. to hold with a crook

Bagwn, n. strength, potency

Bagwy, n. a cluster, bunch

Bai, n. a fault, a vice

Baich, n. a burden, a load

Baich, n. an outcry

Baid, n. briskness

Baidd, n. a daring

Bais, n. flats, shallows; ford

Bal, n. a prominence; a bud

Bala, n. a shoot out; efflux

Balalwyf, n. a palm-tree

Balanu, v. to shoot, to bud

Balant, n. a shooting, a sprouting, a budding

Balasar, n. azure, sky-blue

Balasarn, n. a ballast

Balc, n. a break in furrow land

Balcio, v. to break furrows

Balciog, a. having irregular furrows

Balch, a. proud; towering

Balciwr, n. breaker of furrows

Balchder, n. pomp; pride

Balchedd, n. pomp; pride

Balchïo, v. to grow proud

Balchineb, n. arrogance; pomp

Baldardd, n. a budding

Baldarddu, v. to bud

Baldog, n. a punch, a squab

Baldordd, n. a babbling

Baldorddi, v. to babble, to tattle

Baldorddus, a. babbling

Baldorfi, v. to mutter

Balennyn, n. a bud

Balgur, n. a springing out

Balog, n. a jut; a pinacle; a fidula, a valve; a flab; a jetting, flapped, valved

Balwyf, n. palm wood

Balwyfen, n. a palm tree

Ball, n. erruption; plague

Ballasg, n. shell: porcupine

Ballasgu, v. to busk

Ballaw, v. to shout, to scream

Ballawg, n. a hedgehog

Balleg, n. a bow net; a purse

Ballegmyd, n. a wear net

Bàn, n. a prominence; a peak; a branch; a. lofty, high, loud

Banc, n. a platform, a table

Baner, n. a banner, a flag

Banffaglu, v. to light a bonfire

Bangaw, n. the bandage of honour: a. compact

Bangeibr, n. a minister

Bangor, n. upper row, a compacture, a high circle; a college, seminary

Bangori, v. to cope or bind together, to wattle the binding row of a fence

Bannwch, n. a wild sow

Baniar, n. a banner

Banierog, a. bearing ensign

Banierydd, n. standard-bearer

Banllef, n. a loud shout

Banllefain, v. to shout

Bannas, n. a mat

Bannod, n. article; clause

Bannodi, v. to make clauses

Banon, n. an exalted person, a queen, empress

Bant, n. a high place; a. prominent, high, lofty

Banu, v. to raise, to erect

Banw, n. a swine, a farrow pig

Banwel, n. upward look; sky

Banwes, n. a sow, a farrow sow, the fish called gilt head

Bâr, n. a top, a summit, a tuft; agitation; impulse; ire, fury, wrath: a bar, a bolt, a rail

Bara, n. bread; sustenance

Baran, n. a wren

Baranres, n. a front rank

Baranu, v. to front; to present

Baranwg, n. a presence

Barcer, n. a tanner

Barcud, n. a kite; a buttock

Barcutan, n. a kite, a glead

Bardysen, n. a shrimp

Bardd, n. a bard

Barddaeth, n. bardism

Barddair, n. the bard’s word

Barddas, n. bardism; lore