Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/45

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Bedwlwyn, d. a birch grove

Bedydd, a. baptizm

Bedyddfa, n. a baptistry

Bedyddfaen, n. baptismal font

Bedyddfan, n. baptistry

Bedyddio, v. to baptize

Bedyddiol, a. baptismal

Bedd, n. a grave, sepulchre

Beddfaen, n. a tombstone

Beddgor, n. mausoleum

Beddlech, n. a gravestone

Beddol, a. sepulchral

Beddrod, n. burial place

Beddrodol, a. sepulchral

Beiad, n. a blaming

Beiadwy, a. blamable

Beichiad, n. a bawling; a loading

Beichio, v. to bowl; to load

Beichiog, a. burdened; pregnant

Beichiogi, v. to become burdened; to conceive

Beiddgar, a. presumptious

Beiddiad, n. a daring

Beiddio, v. to presume, to dare

Beiddiol, a. presuming, daring

Beiedig, a. blamed, cencured

Beili, n. an outlet; a court, or yard; a mound

Beio, v. to blame, to censure

Beiol, a. blaming, censuring

Beiri, n. a kite, a glead

Beirniad, n. a judge

Beirniadaeth, n. jurisdiction

Beirniadu, v. to judge

Beirniadol, a. critical

Beisdon, n. sea-brink

Beisfa, n. a shallow place

Beisfan, n. a shallow place

Beisfor, n. a shallow sea

Beisgawn, n. a stack, a mow

Beisgawniad, n. a stacking

Beisgawnu, v. to stack corn

Beisiad, n. a shallowing

Beisiaw, v. to grove shallow

Beisiawl, a. shallowing

Beisle, n. shallow place

Beius, a. faulty, blameable

Beiusrwydd, n. blameableness

Beiwr, n. a blamer; censor

Bel, n. tumult; havoc; war

Bela, n. a wolf; the henbane v. to wrangle; to war

Belach, n. trouble, molestation

Bele, n. the marten

Belg, n. a ravage

Belgiad, n. ravager; a Belgian

Bellach, ad. at length; now

Bendigaid, a. blessed

Benyw, n. female; a woman

Benywaidd, a. feminine

Benywol, a. female

Ber, n. a lance, a pike; a spit; n. a shank; a leg a. short; brief; scanty

Bera, n. pyramid; a stack

Beraes, n. a short shield

Berai, n. a turn-spit, a jack

Beran, n. a little spit; a broad

Berasgell, n. the penguin

Berdroell, n. a jack-wheel

Berdas, n. a shrimp

Berfa, n. a barrow

Berfain, a. slender-shanked

Berfaydd, n. a barrow man

Bergam, a. bow-legged

Beri, n. a kite, a glead

Beriau, n. a short yoke

Berllysg, n. a truncheon

Bernais, n. a varnish; a cover

Beroes, n. short life

Berrwy, n. a fetter

Berth, n. perfection, beauty: a fair, pleasant; rich

Berthiad, n. a beautifying

Berthog, a. endowed, wealthy

Berthogi, v. to endow

Berthu, v. to beautify

Berthyd, n. ornament, jewel

Beru, v. to pike, to spit

Berw, n. boiling, ebullition

Berwad, n. boiling, decoction

Berwadwy, a. decoctible

Berwedig, a. boiled, decocted

Berwedydd, n. a boiler

Berwedd, n. a boiling state

Berweddu, v. to brew, to decoct