Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/62

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Cedor, n. hair of pubescence

Cedorfa, the bottom of the belly

Cedorwydd, n. giant fennel

Cedu, v. to confer or gift

Cedwid, n. custody, possession

Cedys, n. faggots, bundles

Ceddw, n. mustard

Cefn, n. a back; a ridge

Cefnaint, n. a middle part

Cefnant, n. support; a great-grandchild

Cefnbant, a. saddle-backed

Cefnder, Cefnderw, dyrw, n. first cousin

Cefndwn, a. broken backed

Cefnddryll, n. a chine

Cefnen, n. a gently rising hill

Cefnfor, n. the main sea

Cefn-grwba, a. hunch-backed

Cefn-grwca, a. crook-backed

Cefn-grwm, a. hump-backed

Cefn-hwrwg, a. hunch-backed

Cefnllif, n. a high flood

Cefnog, a. backed, courageous

Cefnogaeth, n. backing

Cefnogi, v. to back, to encourage

Cefnogiad, n. a backing

Cefnu, v. to back; to turn a back

Ceffyl, n. a horse

Ceg, n. a mouth, an opening

Cegaid, n. a mouthful

Cegddu, n. the hake fish

Cegiad, n. a mouthing

Cegid, n. the hemlock

Cegin, n. a kitchen

Ceginiaeth, n. cookery

Ceginwr, n. a cook, a kitchener

Cegio, v. to mouth; to choke

Cegol, a. of a mouth, mouthed

Cegrwth, a. wide-mouthed

Cegrythiad, n. a mouthing

Cegrythu, v. to open the mouth widely

Cegu, to mouth; to glut

Cengl, n. a band; a hank

Cengliad, n. a winding

Cengiadur, n. a winding reel

Cengliedydd, n. a reeler

Cenglog, a. reeled in hanks

Cenglu, v. to hank, to girth

Cenglyn, n. a bandage

Ceibiad, n. a hoeing

Ceibio, v. to use a hoe or mattock, to hoe

Ceibren, n. a rafter

Ceidwad, n. a keeper, preserver, saviour

Ceidwadaeth, n. preservation

Ceidwadol, a. preservative

Ceidwadwy, a. preservable

Ceingel, n. a hank; a girth

Ceingell, n. twisting reel

Ceinglo, v. to hank; to girth

Ceingliad, n. hanking

Ceingliadur, n. winding wheel

Ceingyll, n. a reel to twist ropes

Ceilio, v. to fold cattle

Cciliog, n. a cock; a male bird

Ceiliogwr, n. a cock-master

Ceiliogwydd, n. a gander

Ceiliogyn, n. cockerel

Ceilysyn, n. a nine-pin

Ceimwch, n. a lobster

Ceinach, n. a hare

Ceinad, n. circumspection

Ceinciad, n. a branching out

Ceincio, to branch out, to ramify

Ceinciog, a. full of branches

Ceinciol, a. branching

Ceinder, n. elegance; beauty

Ceinedd, n. elegance

Ceinfalch, a. ostentatious

Ceinioca, v. to collect money, as by brief; to gather pence

Ceiniog, stamped coin; a penny

Ceiniogwerth, n. a penny-worth

Ceinion, n. ornaments, jewels

Ceinionydd, n. a jeweller

Ceinwen, a. splendidly white

Ceirch, n. oats, oat

Ceirchen, n. a grain of oats

Ceiriad, n. a bearer

Ceirios, n. cherries

Ceiriosen, n. a single cherry

Ceirniad, n. a hoofed animal

Ceisbwl, n. a blunt churl, a catchpoll