Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/67

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Cleisiog, a. streaked; bruised

Clem, n. slive, slice

Clemio, v. to slice, to slive

Clep, n. clap, clack

Clepai, n. babbling gossip

Clepian, v. to babble, to clack

Clepio, v. to clack, to prate

Clêr, n. minstrels; gadflies

Clera, v. to stroll as minstrels

Cleren, n. a gad-fly; the rattles in the throat

Clerwriaeth, n. minstrelsy

Cleudaer, a. incessant

Cleuder, n. sincerity

Cleufryd, a. honest, sincere

Cleufrydedd, n. equanimity

Clewt, n. a clatter; a scolding

Clewtian, n. to clatter

Clicied, n. latch, catch

Cliciedu, v. to fasten with latch

Cliciedyn, n. a latch

Clin, n. a spark, sparkle

Clindarddach, n. crackling noise: v. to crackle

Clip, n. precipice, crag

Clô, n. lock, close; knob

Clöad, n. a closing; a locking

Clob, n. a knob; a boss

Cloben, n. a large bouncer

Clobyn, n. a large lump

Clocian, v. to cluck as a hen

Cloch, n. a bell, a bubble

Clochaidd, a. sonorous, noisy

Clochdardd, n. a clucking

Clochdŷ, n. a steeple; a belfry

Clochiad, n. a bubbling

Clochydd, n. a bellman, a sexton, a parish clerk

Clôd, n. praise; fame

Clodadwy, a. commendable

Clodfawr, a. celebrated; famous

Clodforedd, n. celebrity

Clodfori, v. to celebrate, to extol

Clodforiad, n. a celebrating

Clodforus, a. commendable

Clodforwr, n. a praiser

Clodiad, n. a praising

Clodus, a. extolling, praising

Clodwiw, a. commendable

Clodymgais, v. to seek fame

Cloddfa, n. a quarry

Cloddiad, n. a trenching

Cloddio, v. to trench, to embank, to dig, to quarry

Cloddiog, a. trenched, embanked

Cloddiwr, n. a ditcher, a quarry-man; a maker of fences

Clöedig, a. closed; locked

Clöedigaeth, n. a locking; a conclusion

Clöen, n. a boss, a stud

Cloer, n. a locker; a closet

Cloeren, n. a small window

Clofen, n. a knot, or point of ramnification in trees

Clofenog, a. branchy, spriggy

Clofenu, v. to branch, to sprig

Cloff, n. a lame person: a. lame, limping, halting

Cloffni, n. lameness

Cloffi, v. to lame; to grow lame

Cloffiad, n. a laming

Cloffrwym, n. a fetter

Cloffrwymol, a. fettered

Cloffrwymo, v. to fetter

Clog, n. a detached stone

Clogan, n. a large stone

Clogwrn, n. a crag; a rock

Clogwyn, n. precipi

Clogwynog, a. full of precipiccs

Clogyrnog, a. craggy, rocky

Cloi, v. to close, to lock

Cloig, n. a hasp; a hitch; helm for thatching

Cloigen, n. what is tied at the end; a hitch, a whisk of straw

Cloigyn, n. a hasp; a hitch

Cloigynu, v. to hasp; to hitch

Clòl, n. a pate, a skull

Clopa, n. a noddle; a knob; a thick head; a club

Clopen, n. a noddle, a jolthead

Cloren, n. a rump, a tail

Cloriad, n. a closing with a lid

Clorian, n. scales; balance

Clorianu, v. to balance, to weigh