Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/69

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Cnawdol, a. carnal, fleshly

Cnawdoli, v. to incarnate

Cnawdoliad, n. incarnation

Cnawdoliaeth, n. incarnation

Cnawdolrwydd, n. carnality

Cnec, n. a crash, a snap, a jar

Cnecian, v. to crash; to jar

Cnecus, a. jarring; wrangling

Cneifdŷ, n. a shearing house

Cneifiad, n. a shearing

Cneifiedig, a. shorn, fleeced

Cneifio, v. to shear, to clip

Cneifion, n. clippings, flocks

Cneifiwr, n. a shearer

Cnes, n. a deposit; prey

Cneua, v. to get a nutting

Cneuen, n. a nut

Cneuo, v. to become a nut

Cneullu, v. to become a kernel

Cneullyn, n. a kernel

Cnic, n. a slight rap, a snap

Cnif, n. toil, pain, trouble

Cniffiad, n. a skirmishing

Cnith, n. a soft touch or tap

Cnithio, v. to tap, to twitch

Cno, n. a bite; a chewing

Cnöad, n. a biting; a chewing

Cnöawl, a. biting; a chewing

Cnoc, n. a rap, a knock

Cnocell, n. a raper; a pecker

Cnocellu, v. to rap; to peck

Cnocio, v. to knock, to beat

Cnociwr, n. one that knocks

Cnod, n. a crop; a bunch

Cnofa, n. a gnawning, a griping

Cnoi, v. to gnaw, to chew

Cnöwr, n. a chewer; a biter

Cnu, n. a bundle; a fleece

Cnuch, n. a junction; a joint

Cnud, n. a group; a pack

Cnul, n. a passing bell, a knell

Cnüog, a. fleecy

Cnwb, n. a bunch, a knob

Cnwc, n. a bump, a lump

Cnwd, n. a crop; a covering

Cnwff, n. a lump; a lunch

Cnwpa, n. a knob; a club

Cnwyf, n. a mash, a crush

Cnydfawr, a. fructiferous

Cnydiad, n. a producing, a crop

Cnydio, v. to fruitify, to crop

Cnydiol, a. fructiferous, fruitful

Co, n. rotundity; concavity

Còb, n. a tuft; a thump

Côb, n. a cloak; a top coat

Coban, n. a mantle; a coat

Cobiad, n. a thumping

Cobio, v. to tuft; to thump

Cobyn, n. a tuft, a bunch

Coblyn, a thumper; a pecker; a goblin

Cocos, n. cockles; cogs of a wheel

Cocraeth, n. fondling

Coch, n. a red colour: a. red

Cochder, n. redness

Cochddu, a. of a reddish black

Cochfelyn, a. copper-coloured

Cochgangen, n. a chub fish

Cochi, v. to redden; to blush

Cochiad, n. grouse, red game

Cochl, n. a mantle, a cloak

Cochlas, a. of red blue; purple

Cochrydd, a. crimson, ruddy

Cochwydd, n. ruddy appearance

Cochwyn, a. of a reddish white

Côd, n. a bag, a pouch, a budget

Codaid, n. a bag-full

Coden, n. a bag, a pouch

Codenog, a. having bags

Codenu, v. to bag; to blister

Codi, v. to rise; to swell up

Codiad, n. a rising; a raising

Codog, a. having bag; rich

Codwm, n. a fall, a tumble

Codymiad, n. a tumbling

Codymu, v. to fall, to tumble

Codymwr, a tumbler; a wrestler

Coed, n. wood, trees, timber

Coeda, v. to gather wood

Coeden, n. a tree, a standing tree

Coedog, a. having trees, woody

Coedol, a. of the wood; wooden

Coedwal, n. a wood covert

Coedwig, n. wood; forest

Coedwr, u. a woodman

Coedwrych, n. a quickset