Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/86

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Cyffroedigaeth, n. agitation

Cyffröi, v. to concuss, to move

Cyffwrdd, v. to meet, to touch

Cyffyrddiad, n. contact, touch

Cyffylog, n. a woodcock

Cyffyr, n. substance, matter

Cyhoedd, a. public; notorious

Cyhoeddi, v. to publish

Cyhoeddiad, n. publication

Cyhudded, n. accusation

Cyhaddiad, n. impeachment

Cyhuddo, v. to impeach

Cyhuddol, a. impeaching

Cyhyd, so long, of equal length

Cyhydedd, co-extension; equation; the equator

Cyhydeddu, v. to co-extend

Cyhydiad, n. co-extension

Cyhydiaeth, n. a paroiomoion

Cyhydreg, n. mutual strife

Cyhyr, n. a muscle

Cyhyraeth, n. mutual system

Cyhyrawg, a. musculous

Cyhyredd, n. muscularity

Cyhyrwch, n. brawniness

Cyhyryn, n. a piece of flesh

Cyl, n. concavity; a kiln

Cylafaredd, n. conciliation

Cylafareddu, v. to conciliate

Cylafareddus, a. conciliatory

Cylch, n. a circle; zone, a round; circuit; a hoop: prep. about, round

Cylchog, circled; hooped

Cylchol, a. circular; periodical; surrounding

Cylchdroi, v. to circumvolve

Cylchedd, n. circumference

Cylchedlen, n. a curtain

Cylchen, n. circuit, compass

Cylchfrith, a. ring streaked

Cylchig, n. a circlet

Cylchlifiant, n. circumfluency

Cylchrediad, n. circumambiency, cylchrediad

Cylchu, v. to encircle, to hoop

Cylchwy, n. a circle; a shield

Cyglchwyl, n. an aniversary

Cylchynawl, a. circling

Cylchyniad, n. a surrounding

Cylchynu, v. to encircle

Cylion, n. flies; gnats; wasps

Cylionen, n. a fly; a wasp

Cylmu, Cylymu, v. to tie

Cylor, n. earth-nuts

Cylla, n. a maw, stomach

Cyllaeth, n. sorrow, grief

Cyllaig, n. a stag in season

Cyllell, n. a cutter, a knife

Cyllellu, v. to cut with a knife

Cyllen, n. cutter, chopper

Cyllid, n. revenue, tax

Cyllido, v. to pay a tax

Cyllidydd, n. tax-gatherer

Cylltawr, n. plougshare

Cyllu, v. to make a parting

Cymdeithas, n. a society

Cymdeithasgar, a. sociable

Cymdeithasiad, n. association

Cymdeithasol, a. sociable

Cymdeithasrwydd, n. sociableness

Cymdeithasu, v. to associate

Cymdeithiad, n. consociation

Cymdeithiogi, v. to associate

Cymdeithio, v. to consociate

Cymdeithydd, n. a companion

Cymhar, n. partner

Cymhares, n. a partner

Cymhariad, n. comparing

Cymhariaeth, n. comparison

Cymharol, a. paired, coupled

Cymharu, v. to pair; to compare

Cymharwr, n. comparer

Cymheri, n. pertubation

Cymhell, n. compulsion: v. to compel; to instigate; to offer

Cymhellai, n. spur

Cymhelliad, n. compulsion

Cymhen, a. eloquent; pert

Cymhendod, n. eloquence

Cymheniad, n. adornment

Cymhenu, v. to set off

Cymhercyn, a. tottering

Cymherchen, a. jointly owned

Cymherfedd, n. centre

Cymhibau, n. the wind pipe and liver; a hemhorrhage