Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/99

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Dadlythyru, v. to obliterate

Dadnaid, n. a rebounding

Dadnaws, n. indisposition

Dadnerthu, v. to rid of strength

Dadnewid, v. to re-exchange

Dadnoddi, v. to divest of refuge

Dadnwyfo, v. to enervate

Dadnychu, v. to rid of agony

Dadnyddu, v. to untwist

Dadobeithio, v. to rid of hope

Dadoeri, v. to divest of cold

Dadofalu, v. to divest of care

Dadofidio, v. to rid of grief

Dadofni, v. to rid of fear

Dadoleuo, v. to relume

Dadolrain, v. to retrace

Dadorbwyllo, v. to rid of madness; to recover one’s senses

Dadorchuddio, v. to develope

Dadoresgyn, v. to reconquer

Dadorfod, v. to overcome again

Dadormesu, v. to cease troubling

Dadorthrechu, v. to rid of oppression

Dadosodi, v. to displace

Dadosgli, v. to strip branches

Dadostegu, v. to break silence

Dadranu, v. to subdivide

Dadredeg, v. to run back

Dadreibio, v. to disenchant

Dadreiddio, v. to repenetrate

Dadreithio, v. to divest of law

Dadrestru, v. to disarrange

Dadrin, v. to rid of mystery

Dadrisgio, v. to strip of the bark

Dadrithio, v. to disappear

Dadroddi, v. to give back

Dadrwyddo, v. to disentangle

Dadrwymo, v. to unbind

Dadrwystro, v. to disencumber

Dadryddâu, v. to free again

Dadrywio, v. to degenerate

Dadsaethu, v. to shoot back

Dadsafiad, n. reposition

Dadsangu, v. to tread back

Dadsarâu, v. to rid of offence

Dadsathru, v. to tread again

Dadsefydlu, v. to rid of stability

Dadseimo, v. to reverberate

Dadseirchio, v. to unharness

Dadserchu, v. to divest of love

Dadsideru, v. to unfringe

Dadsori, v. to divest of anger

Dadswyno, v. to disenchant

Daduno, v. to disunite

Dadurdde, v. to degrade

Dadwarchâu, v. to raise a siege

Dadwasgodi, v. to unshelter

Dadwasgu, v. to unpress

Dadweinio, v. to unsheath

Dadweithio, v. to unwork

Dadwersyllu, v. to strike tents

Dadweu, v. to unweave

Dadwibio, v. to reel back

Dadwiriaw, v. to divest of truth

Dadwisgaw, v. to disarray

Dadwlitho, v. to dry up dew

Dadwneud, Dadwneuthur, v. to undo

Dadwnïo, v. to unsew

Dadwrdd, v. to make a noise

Dadwregysu, v. to ungird

Dadwreiddio, v. to eradicate

Dadwridio, v. to cease blushing

Dadwynebu, v. to rid of surface

Dadwyrain, v. to resurge

Dadwyre, v. to reascend

Dadwystlo, v. to unpledge

Dadymattal, v. to cease restraining one’s self

Dadymbleidio, v. to divest one’s self of reason

Dadymchwel, v. to overturn

Dadymorchi, v. to become unfolded

Dadymdrafferthu, v. to divest one’s self of trouble

Dadymdrefnu, v. to disorder one’s self

Dadymdueddu, v. to divest one’s self of partiality

Dadymdyru, v. to become dispersed

Dadymdderu, v. to cease wrangling

Dadymddieithrio, v. to divest one’s self of strangeness

Dadymddilladu, v. to undress one’s self

Dadymglymu, v. to untie one’s self

Dadymgreuloni, v. to divest one’s self of cruelty