Page:A poetic survey round Birmingham - James Bisset - 1800.pdf/9

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Tantum modo incepto opus est: cætera res expediet.


When Works of Genius claim the votive lay,
Where shall the Muse her first devotion pay?
Or how, when once she takes the pen in hand,
Her course pursue? or where attempt to stand?

Me thinks I hear dame Prudence, whisp'ring, say,
'Forego thy task, forbear the votive lay;
'A work like thine requires more skill and wit,
'To wiser heads the arduous task submit.'

To what she whispers, freely would I yield,
If any one, besides, would take the field.
Full many, equal to the theme, I find,
But none, to undertake it, seems inclin'd.
Oft have I urg'd, but urg'd, alas! in vain,
None, yet, has dar'd to 'tempt th' advent'rous strain .

The task be mine—If honor, forth, it calls,
That honor on the Arts, and Artists, falls;
I seek no praise, to plaudits lay no claim,
(My pen, I fear, will never raise my fame,)
But rest contented, hoping to produce
A work of novelty, and general use.