Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/166

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17th "The Greatest Day of the Tour."

"I left my place at 20 minutes to 12 o'clock and drove to Paddington Station for Windsor Castle; thence I went in the special train at 1-10 P.M., in which Lord Kimberley, Lord Ripon, and some other Privy Councillors were going to attend H. M.'s Council. Sir Gerald Fitzgerald met me at the station and accompanied me to the Castle. The special train arrived at Windsor at 1-40 P.M. There were some carriages from the Castle awaiting to convey us there. Sir Fitzgerald and myself drove in a Landau drawn by a pair of horses, which were driven by a postillion.

"In the Castle I was conducted to a room to wait there till called for. There I had some fruit and lemonade for my lunch. A little after 3 o'clock I was called for and was conducted by Sir Fitzgerald near to the Queen's Chamber. Then the Lord-in-waiting received me, conducted me to the Queen's Chamber, and presented me to Her Majesty. H. M. was