Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/181

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This ceremony was the first of its kind that was held at that place. H. H. the Gaekwar of Baroda was also present on the occasion. On his return to Bobbili he received an address from his people, who made several requests. The Rajah, while thanking them for presenting him the address, said he could not carry out all the requests at once, but promised that he would fulfil many of them in course of time. On this occasion he remitted Rs.30,000, arrears of revenue, to the ryots.

The Rajah paid his respects to H. E. Lord Elgin, the Viceroy, when he visited Madras, and he then endowed a bed to be called "Lady Elgin's Bed" in the Victoria Caste Gosha Hospital at Madras.


In this year the Rajah endowed another bed to be called "Lady Wenlock's Bed," in the above Hospital. H. E. the Governor was