Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/186

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close by, and after he had taken his seat on the dais, the Rajah requested the Governor formally to open the Town Hall.

After the Rajah had handed over the silver key of the Town Hall, the Governor replied thus:—

"The Rajah has so fully and clearly explained the history and objects of this Town Hall, that there remains little for me to say except that I feel it a pleasure and honour to be asked to consummate the work which was begun by my distinguished predecessor. I appreciate very heartily and deeply the sentiments which have moved the Rajah to carry out this work, and I trust that the usefulness of the building with which he has endowed the Town of Bobbili will be extensive and long-lasting. With these words I now declare the Victoria Town Hall to be duly opened."

Then the people of the Town and the Zemindari presented an address to His