Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/191

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very much respected by the Rajah, as well as by the people who knew her, the Rajah performed her funeral ceremony with great respect and attention and endowed a bed in the Victoria Caste and Gosha Hospital at Madras in the name of the deceased venerable old lady.

At the request of the people of Vizagapatam the Rajah promised to erect, at his own cost, a Town Hall in memory of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee. It is called the Victoria Diamond Jubilee Town Hall.



H. E. the Governor re-nominated the Rajah in April for the third time as a Member of the Legislative Council.

In the beginning of May some disturbances of the hill tribes occurred near Pachipenta, in connection with which the Rajah offered his services to the Government in a letter of which the following is a copy:—