Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/209

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While the Maharajah, his family and his people were rejoicing over the birth of a son and heir to the Kumara Rajah, the Maharajah's most beloved grand-daughter died after a short illness at the end of March; and the whole family was thrown into deep mourning. Consequently the Maharajah could not be present at the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the Victoria Diamond Jubilee Town Hall at Vizagapatam on the 3rd April, nor could he attend the Budget Meeting of the Legislative Council held in that week.

In sending the Sannad conferring upon him the title Maharajah, the Collector and Agent of the District wrote the following letter:—

April 2nd, 1901.

"My dear Maharajah,

"As you request, I have to-day handed over to your Manager the Sannad conferring on