Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/247

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and the Maharajah received the following letter in this connection:—

"Government House," Madras, 28th January, 1906.

"The Equerry in Waiting presents his compliments to His Highness the Maharajah of Bobbili, and is desired by the Princess of Wales to acknowledge the receipt of his letter of to-day's date, addressed to Sir Walter Lawrence, in which His Highness expresses the desire of the Maharanee to endow and name a bed in the Victoria Gosha Hospital after the Princess of Wales. Her Royal Highness not only expresses her warmest approval of the Maharanee's proposal, but also desires the Equerry to say how much touched she is by her kind and generous thought and what a pleasure it was to Her Royal Highness to have the opportunity of meeting the Maharanee yesterday."

On the 18th July the Maharajah completed his 25 years' administration of the Bobbili