Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/259

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that the Bobbili ryots are quiet and loyal. Your figures of expenditure on Remissions, Repairs and Establishment are very striking, and so also are those under items 9 and 13. I hope to meet you shortly as I intend visiting Bobbili next month, arriving there on September 11th from Parvatipore and staying 3 days.

With kind regards,

Sincerely yours,

(Signed) R. H. CAMPBELL."

This year the Maharajah completed the Gopuram (i.e., the chief or tower-gate) of the Temple of Sree Venugopalaswami at Bobbili, and with this all the requirements essential to the temple have been supplied.


The third Annual Cattle Show of the Vizagapatam District was held this year at Bobbili in the grounds of the Maharajah Park, and was pronounced a complete success.