Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/74

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offer, the Rajah introduced the subject by saying:—'Ranga-Rao frequently raises insurrections in our country and obstructs the proper cultivation of our lands. The payment of the revenue in kind or in money is greatly hindered. He has under his control an army of four thousand men and a band of one thousand Velama warriors. Never has he surrendered to us in spite of our repeated attacks on Bobbili.' 'We have often heard,' said Haidar Jang, 'that you have, under your control, a mighty army, and that you are a warrior of no ordinary type. Do you really fear any danger from him?' 'Do not think so,' rejoined the Rajah; 'it is but true that we have a large army. But he has a Sirdar named Tandra Papayya, who alone is enough to throw the whole army into confusion. With the help of this Sirdar, the Zemindar of Bobbili sets us at defiance, and even the Commander-in-Chief. This will be evident if you only consider the fact that even when we who have